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Do you think Kenora has received its fair share of stimulous money?
No   61     45%
Yes   74     55%
 Total Votes: 135

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Redneck  ( October 29, 2009)
Well Mike, as I read your post I was wondering if you listened to the radio today as Greg Rickford was talking about the 65 projects that have occured in our riding because of the stimulous money. Just makes it clear to me that unfortunately people have a bias and instead of investigating the facts, would rather take baseless shots at people. Why don't you educate yourself before you make another ignorant response? And sure we have received more money than some ridings. It is because we voted Conservative in this riding. But really, is that not why we voted Conservative anyway? We wanted a voice in Ottawa and Rickford gives us that voice. We could vote Liberal and let all the money go north. Would you prefer that?
Mike  ( October 28, 2009)
It appears that we have gotten a lot here in Kenora since the "Big Spruce" has taken place when the stimulus money was rolling out. That was money Kenora applied for prior to the economic downturn. Other than the highway projects I am unaware of any stimulus money Kenora has received. Perhaps phase 2 of harbourfront development?
Chris  ( October 27, 2009)
Yes the Kenora area has had a fair share of stimulous money. Better yet, Mr. Rickford is distributing it the best he can. Don't forget he has to pick up where Roger Valley left off. Thank goodness we live in a conservative riding.
AWP  ( October 27, 2009)
I agree with Ken and Nora. However, we should also thank the provincial government and the Municipality of Kenora for their financial contribution to these infrastructure projects.
  ( October 26, 2009)
Stimulus money seems like a great thing but...where does the remaining money come from? Us the taxpayer again! Who pays for the operating costs once the dollars run out (i.e. tourist info centre in Norman and downtown plaza's). Stimulus money is only a portion of the costs of these projects and Kenora taxpayer's cover the rest. THANKS!!!
Randy  ( October 24, 2009)
Yes, we appear to have received some stimulus spending and that's fine for the short term, but we need full time jobs. Once the current spending is done so are the jobs.
Ken and Nora  ( October 23, 2009)
No, we have not received our fair share. In fact, we have received much more than our fair share. Way to go Rickford.
Peter t  ( October 23, 2009)
The money that thay will put into the highway going to Manitoba to create work for the locals is fine......The problem is to work on these projects you have to belong to a THUNDER BAY UNION. so once again no work for us locals.....thanks.
gm  ( October 23, 2009)
Well I am not sure if we actually have money in hand yet, so till then no but after maybe.
DM  ( October 23, 2009)
I've never thought that I'd say this but...thankfully we live in a conservative riding! If we were still red I think we would be seeing a lot less money. Rickford couldn't be in a better position than he is in now for the next election.
