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 Online Poll
Are you planning to vote in the next federal election?
No   59     36%
Yes   106     64%
 Total Votes: 165

Comments   Add Your Own
Gone  ( October 22, 2009)
Hey Sam, I am! Moving that is.
Sam  ( October 21, 2009)
Lets get on with it. Move on. Do a new poll to see how many people will be moving from Kenora in the next two years?
Jo  ( October 20, 2009)
While elections can be frustrating, to say the least, everyone who has the right to vote should execute that franchise. It is said that if you do not vote then you have no right to complain. I agree that we do not need or reqire an election at this time. Our country is doing better than most even during these tough economic times so the last thing we need right now is a new government to come in and mess things up again.
While I do not necesarily agree with the stimulus spending as the majority of the parties approved, Northwestern Ontario has received a fair share of the monies to do projects which would never have taken place otherwise.
 ( October 19, 2009)
Not going to vote. I vote for our municipal elections only. That is where a vote actually may count. In the federal election..ha! we are a mere speck to this, and is not worth the time nor the effort. After playing this federal political game for so long, soon you will see your vote means nothing.
Richard  ( October 19, 2009)
Yes. I will never understand why anyone would not use their right to vote. It's a sad statement of how much we take things for granted.
Redneck  ( October 19, 2009)
I can hardly wait to vote for Rickford again. Until Roger Valley can actually have something positive to say and quite bashing everyone and come out with an actual ideas, I will vote for anyone but him. Time to listen to the taxpayers Roger...and not just pan to the northern reserve votes!
Linda  ( October 19, 2009)
What the use. They will just call another one in a few months when they lose again.
Kathy  ( October 19, 2009)
Sorry TJG but the question is re a federal election. Last time I looked, Ottawa was still the nations capital
T.J.G  ( October 16, 2009)
Vote for who, for what. Sad but true. We here in the north count for nothing. We will be force fed whatever Toronto wants to feed us. We should join the auto makers union and get some of our tax bucks back.
Progressive Redneck  ( October 16, 2009)
Of course!
