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 Online Poll
Which flu shots are you going to get as soon as they are available?
Both   47     20%
H1N1   38     16%
Neither   112     48%
Seasonal flu   35     15%
 Total Votes: 232

Comments   Add Your Own
Mike  ( October 15, 2009)
Vaccination is the only medical procedure that we ask healthy people to undergo with unknown risks for possible protection against a disease we may get. Way to many maybes in that sentence to warrant an H1N1 or any other vaccine. The biggest problem is finding unbiased information. Either books/articles are pro-vaccine or they are not.
  ( October 14, 2009)
You could also die from getting hit by a car, or from a plane crash. And it would be more likely to happen than even catching N1H1. Life is calculated risks.
  ( October 14, 2009)
I'm going to be doing extensive research and watching the test results closely. Can't hurt to have as much information, as possible. In Australia they decided not to target schools, initially, this was a fatal mistake. Hey, I may not die from H1N1 but, if I require hospitalization, will they have a respirator available? Unlike a lot of people, I think I'll keep an open mind and make the appropriate decision when I deem I have as many facts as possible.
Peter t  ( October 14, 2009)
HI I thought no one was interested in this poll. I am sorry. I was dead wrong.
  ( October 14, 2009)
I agree with most of the comments. Yes, I think we are going overboard, but the bottom line is, I could die from H1N1. Do I want to take that chance?
RH  ( October 14, 2009)
I'd sure like to see some pro-vaccine comments just to see why they would subject themselves to such a risk. But maybe they are ill informed and follow the herd rather than pick their own path. Those that say they are getting both, PLEASE do some research prior to doing it so that you at least can make it an informed decision. Especially research the vaccine ingredients and than decide if you want it in your body.
Heather  ( October 13, 2009)
Not necessary unless you work in a health care environment where your chances of getting it are exponentially high. Antibac gel and everything else anti-bac are actually making people sicker due to the killing of the good germs. Wash your hands more often, take care of yourself and your body, and 90% of the population won't need any flu shot. I wish I would have invented anti-bacterial hand gel. The people with those patents must be making a killing. I wonder if media gets a kickback for the doomsday messages that are being spread by N1H1?
pro tourism guy  ( October 12, 2009)
Here's a thought to tie in the harbourfront tent comment with the flu shot poll. The tents on the harbourfront could be used as temporary morgues for the H1N1 victims.T hat should satisfy the anti-tourism/anti-tent crowd.
 ( October 12, 2009)
I will not take either of these flu shots. To take a medicine for something you don't even have? I would think if I catch a virus is when I would need medication. To pump vacines into one's body prematurely, to me, is asking for trouble.
Peter t  ( October 12, 2009)
Hi seems that there are not that many interested in your poll that you are doing right now....lets do a poll about things that folks are up set about. like the big tents on our harbour front all summer long.this sure would be a start.. or.. its because you are the ENTERPRISE and do not what to rock the boat??
