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 Online Poll
Do you think Kenora is a caring community?
No   111     63%
Yes   64     37%
 Total Votes: 175

Comments   Add Your Own
Other  ( October 7, 2009)
Some comments on here just show how under appreciated and disregarded the actually volunteers are.
Fossil  ( October 7, 2009)
Kenora is a very given and caring community. You have to be out and about to actually see whats going on, and the struggles that the individuals and groups have to go through to be given and caring! The spagetti dinners, St. Johns, the elderly, the fesitivals, the sports, kids activities, after school activities... it's all being done by the locals, who are caring and giving
I know a little guy who just turned 11 years old. He and his friends raised $440 for The Cat Shelter. A 12 year girl and friends raised $450 for Rescue North. That's my example of how Kenora can be a giving and caring community!
Randy  ( October 6, 2009)
Not sure if the people in Kenora are not caring or just down right cold. I do a lot of walking in this town and it is very disheartening how many people will pass you by without having the courtesy to look you in the eye so that you can say hi or at the very least nod or smile.
Zut Alors  ( October 6, 2009)
Why does every question lead back to Council etc. for so many? I'm SOOOO tired of it! Get a grip - this question is NOT about politics! All you gripers, SIGN up to join a committee OR ANYTHING- the people who ALWAYS DO could, no doubt, use a break. Amazing to me how people say we're not a caring community, when everytime I turn around there's a dinner being held for someone who's run into a hard time, for example - this happens often! All you naysayers probably sit on your couch all day expecting someone to rescue you. Grow up! There are times when those that can't help themselves get help from others - then when they can- they pass it along. Ever heard of that concept? Sheesh. What a bunch - let me see - oh, I know, the roundabout doesn't care. Wah. Cry me a river.
bill  ( October 5, 2009)
There will always be those who have a negative opinion on everything.. Some of us remember the old boathouses lining the shoreline in Kenora which were an eyesore. When the motion was made to clean up the area, many people objected. Same with the "Big Spruce" in Kenora. Doesn't the city look nicer now? Anytime the community is asked to support a charity or a family in crisis or anything else of that nature, we usually exceed expectations. That points to a caring community! Not everyone in Kenora is rude and uncaring as some would think.
  ( October 5, 2009)
We cannot all care about the same things but that does not mean we don't care. We have palliative volunteers, folks who always pick up garbage, seniors who marched in rallies on crisp days, unsung heroes, charity volunteers and those who donate, people who try to protect the public interest, animal advocates, thoughtful neighbours, parents, artists, authors, teachers, dreamers, and holiday loyalists... these things are never wasted, they always make a difference. In every community there is work to be done and care of the poor is incumbent on us, but Kenora has a legion of compassionate people. You might not be able to recognize this until you need them but their goodness is an investment that has never failed us!
DM  ( October 5, 2009)
It's very obvious that most people commenting here have not bothered to get out of their own homes and out into the community. When was the last time you were a part of something positive? How many of you took part in Take Back the Night this weekend? How many of you volunteer on committees, or simply visit our old aged citizens at Pinecrest? Go out for a walk in your neighbourhood and say hi to your neighbours! Get out in the community and see all of the beauty!You make this town what it is so make it good!
Judy  ( October 4, 2009)
I have been working for a firm in town for the last three years. Two more to go and I am out of here. Back to small town Manitoba, where we still care for each other. When is the last time you seen anyone hold a door open?. Help some one cross the street? Give some one a hug??
Jo Jo  ( October 4, 2009)
I would like to believe that we do have a caring commnity since we have so many people that volunteer their time and effort to help others. It is the City Council of Kenora who does not have that same caring for other's thoughts and points of view as they should have.
 ( October 4, 2009)
For the most part I believe a lot of people care about this community but I live in an area of town that has constant recurring fights and drunkenness which I find disrespectful to my family and myself. So my answer would be No for the caring community.
