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Should the city financially support venue development at Coney Island to attract more visitors?
No   146     64%
Yes   81     36%
 Total Votes: 227

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( October 1, 2009)
We've got one more year for this mayor and council to think of as many stupid ways to spend our taxpayers $ as they can. I hope everyone is taking note and helps to relieve them of their duties next fall!!
Freedom 55  ( October 1, 2009)
How do these ideas seem to come out of nowhere and jump to the head of the priority list. I think there are more than enough issues that have been put on hold for the last few years that are more important. Besides, if more visitors are needed on Coney Island build a permanent walking bridge.
June  ( September 30, 2009)
I am just looking at all the comments that have been sent in. Do you think members from the city council read any of the comments so they can stay in touch with us? It's not time for Coney Island. someday but not yet.
Brenda  ( September 29, 2009)
BILL. what you say true. But If the town does it right, that can all be down on the harbourfront and a lot more.
Bill  ( September 28, 2009)
Some of us remember the days when the Argyle would run from the south end of Main St. to Coney Island. Many organizations held picnics there including the Legion. You could buy hotdogs, pop, pitch horseshoes, swim and have fun all day. The Argyle ran every hour on the hour. Great fun and fond memories. Coney Island has great potential for a tourist destination providing the round trip fare is reasonable.
Mike  ( September 28, 2009)
I support the idea of getting some venues at Coney, supplying power and water,sewer etc... But not financially backing individual business ideas. Coney is an up and coming place but lets get the harbourfront and downtown and Tunnel Island and the new tourism centre and the transportation park at Norman finished first.
pp  ( September 28, 2009)
Most tourists that come to town don't have boats. This is just another way to lose more money, and I agree that the tents down at the harbourfront shouldn't be there.
  ( September 28, 2009)
The city needs to be very careful here. Once they do for one they have to do for the other. If they are going to fund events on Coney Island then why not events at Rabbit Lake, in Keewatin, Norman Beach, etc. Yes, some city funded events would be nice all year long, but in a place that is central and accesible by all.
Judy  ( September 27, 2009)
I live in Kenora year round. The people out on the islands can stay out there. Coney island to be used for our summer residents? If you're going to spend my tax dollars, please spend it on the mainland. We have long winters here.
 ( September 27, 2009)
I don't see why the city cannot support special events at Coney Island. Annual festivals at Coney are a great idea. It's something that will attract the camp owners from the lake to come into town and get involved in a special event. The beach and park area is a perfect place for this sort of activity, and will draw the folks from the lake closer into our community.
