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Do you think Kenora is on the brink of a major turnaround, especially in light of the Abitibi property purchase
No   127     67%
Yes   63     33%
 Total Votes: 190

Comments   Add Your Own
Flower  ( September 15, 2009)
In order to harness the spirit of the community we must remember all of us cannot admire the same things. A difference in priority can create a difference in opinion but there is no cause to claim only those who have good sense, are those who agree with you. (Every man is a fool to another). Everything we see is perspective, and often we do not share the same viewpoint but that should never be mistaken for negativity...nor invite you to withdraw from a friend - nor a stranger. Even a bumpy passage can end in a safe landing. In any event, if Mr. Gale is acting separate of this council, I am inclined to support him! Will it turn Kenora around?... our duty is not to foresee the future but to enable it. :)
Maxine  ( September 15, 2009)
I'd like to be 100% positive about the proposed development but am not. For those who regularly complain about any comments they deem negative, a wise person looks at all aspects of a proposal, pro and con. I see lots of good in this development but there's problems too. Will we become a community of the very rich & the working poor? Will the new businesses pay more than min. wage? Will the cost of groceries & gas sky rocket in the summer? Are the shorelines in this area being over developed? We already have luxury condos in several spots on the lake. Now there's going to be more. Soon the only view of the lake for ordinary people will be from the Keewatin bridge. Once the lake is plastered with condos, all the trees have been cut down and animals driven away, won't what draws tourists in the first place be gone? Why am I being so cynical? On the front page of the Enterprise it refers to the mayor's comments about in-camera presentations. What deals were made in-camera? We, the ordinary taxpayers, will never be told. And let's not forget that a certain councillor who has long wanted a performing arts centre is now going to get his wish. Yeah, I'm cynical. I think a certain group of people will make money while the needs of the rest of the community will continue to be ignored.
JAB  ( September 14, 2009)
The only turnaround in Kenora is the roundabout. I agree with Petert... parking on the waterfront? Where or where is the city planner. Oh wait, let's hire another consultant to look at what we need to do. Get real. Kenora's backward, lost in the "StoneAge"
Lisa Lyle  ( September 14, 2009)
It's amazing to see that even with news this good there are still people with a negative attitude. This is the best thing I have heard of for a while with regards to developing things in Kenora (other than downtown revitalization). Come on people, one industry towns are DEAD, let's get over it. We have to make Kenora attractive to young families as well as retirees who have nothing but time and money. They are still going to need people to do things for them! Stop thinking that an industry that pays $20 plus an hour is going to save us, it's not! We need people with vision and investors who are willing to commit to Kenora. I believe that is what Mr. Gale has. His plans include care homes for seniors and recreation for young folks too! There is a wide range of possibilities, lets have an open mind and be constructive with our comments. There are many positive people trying to make the best of Kenora and if you can't get on the bandwagon stop your whining and do something about it or better yet go live somewhere else.
The true concerned Kenorite  ( September 14, 2009)
I think that the sale of the Abitibi lot will give Kenora hope. I do not think that much will be done with it. The city will offer tax breaks to anyone willing to purchase and develop the land. Development will not start for 5-10 years after the projected start date. Kenora will not change unless an industry comes into town for more than a few years.
Mike  ( September 14, 2009)
I think it will be many years before many of the plans are implemented on the Abitibi property. We have many other irons in the fire including our harbourfront, parking issues, homelessness, etc. This news is a welcome step in the right direction but lets be sure that we don't put all our efforts behind one venture.
Freedom 55  ( September 14, 2009)
It is refreshing to hear some new ideas. I hope the citizens of Kenora get a chance to decide what we would like and need. I would say no to industry in the middle of town. It just took 2 years to clear out the old mill site. We have a industrial zone so why put industry in the middle of town. I am sure something more attractive could go there.
lenny  ( September 13, 2009)
First of all (petret) is on the right path As for (future towner) wake up pal. With the funds needed to support the upgrades we need Tobins
I'm getting sick & tired of all the negativeness
if thats a word. About tobins if ya see a tobin plate, smile and wave. They're spending money here, silly.
Judy  ( September 13, 2009)
Hello I agrey with Petert. Let's have a seafood and steak house, small beer gardens, water slides for the kids, swimming to start. Outdoor coffee shops, parasailing, seadoo rentals, cotton candy, hotdog and hamburger stands. Fill the habourfront with people. Let's turn Kenora into Mexico for the summer. Think of the fun we could have here. You may not what to go south this winter!
Petert  ( September 12, 2009)
I think Kenora is backwards. The most prime waterfront we have in town we use for parking.The piece of land from Haps to our Muskie (that we can not see) should be built up so the people can use the whole Harbourfront. You build it and they will come. Fix Kenora first then go after the Rideout water slide for two.
