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If your favoured federal political party forced another election this fall, would you continue to support them?
No   91     60%
Yes   60     40%
 Total Votes: 151

Comments   Add Your Own
  ( September 10, 2009)
It saddens me to see many of my fellow Canadians complaining about having to take 20 minutes out of their busy lives to vote for the people and parties which will represent them. We live in a democracy and unfortunatly there is a cost, and that is your time and interest. If you don't want to be constantly bothered by politics, and elections I am positive that anyone of our local travel agents will sell you a plane ticket to a very nice dictatorship somewhere on the globe.
VOTER  ( September 8, 2009)
Could someone please tell me what another minority government is going to achieve, whoever the party is. It's time to let the winning party serve the term.
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( September 8, 2009)
Of course I would continue to vote NDP. By calling an election they are only doing what they feel is best for the country and attempting to get more seats.
Glen  ( September 8, 2009)
You mean if there was a party I could vote for. They all are losers with no thought on the future. Bring back the RHINO party
Ernest  ( September 6, 2009)
It would be nice if someone who actually ever lived in this riding, (instead of a mailing address) would end up getting elected out of this.
Randy  ( September 6, 2009)
Iggy's got no choice but to help expidite an election. The economy it seems is starting to show signs of recovery with Harper behind the wheel. As for how much credit the conservatives can take for this is arguable, but it will not matter if the economy keeps on improving. Harper will be the messiah and barring major scandal his role as prime minister will be entrenched for quite some time. If Iggy doesn't move and the economy keeps improving, it may be a very long time before you ever see the Liberals guiding this country again. He has no choice.
Linda  ( September 6, 2009)
Even if it was my favorite party, enough is enough. You lost get over it.
Dave  ( September 5, 2009)
Enough already. I know for sure that if theLiberals force the election I will not support them. Right now is not the time to waste money on another minority government. With the world still in financial meltdown and H1N1 alledgedly going to get us all, the parties need to sit down, find a level playing field and get along with each other.
why  ( September 4, 2009)
If its my favorive party, why would i not support them??
voter  ( September 4, 2009)
How about an election every four years? Regardless, no minority governments and the country limited to two or three parties, maybe somewhat American, but at least no more b.s. and added costs. Let the economy return before another waste of money on an election.
