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Would you ever consider running for Kenora city council?
No   87     60%
Yes   58     40%
 Total Votes: 145

Comments   Add Your Own
DM  ( September 3, 2009)
I think the real reason why this council has gotten so much flack is because this council is actually DOING something. When Canfield was Mayor, I can't remember much actually happening. Just keeping up the status quo won't progress our community any further. This council is making some real change in the community. Our downtown area looks fabulous, soon Norman Park will be another focal point along with numerous other plans. It's hard to understand certain decisions that council makes when you're on the sidelines and I'm definitely not saying that every choice is a perfect one, that's politics!
Randy  ( September 3, 2009)
Winning a seat on council is like winning a popularity contest. The best and brightest are not necessarily voted in as evidenced with this current council. As with most things it comes down to who you know and not what you know.
keen observer  ( September 3, 2009)
Are you NUTS!!! I would not risk being associated with the present council. Their egos have taken over their personalities. In the face of huge community outrage, (more than once) they continued feeding their selfrighteousness. The four year term is also a tough commitment unless you have a personal agenda or no other interests. I hope some of the present council run again.
Keewatinite  ( September 2, 2009)
I take exception to the comments about Keewatin residents not thinking they are part of Kenora - we do but many times we are ignored when we are trying so hard to bring people to the City (ie: July 1st celebrations). We want to be considered part of the City but seem only to contribute tax dollars to beautify the Harbourfront. This Council seems to think that the Harbourfront is the only important area in the City. Maybe the next Council will see and appreciate what the rest of the City has to offer. We need a clean slate in municipal office for the betterment of the entire City.
Flower  ( September 2, 2009)
In the words of previous authors, why are the ignorant, selfish, mean-spirited, small minded idiots, constant gripers and negative bimbos so valuable at election time? I am saddened that in order to defend your council, you felt you had to denigrate your neighbour. Are you implying that as long as one promotes council conduct, they are entitled to expression while others are not? You have not served your council well if indeed, you are the company they keep.
Maxine  ( September 2, 2009)
There are a number of pro-council comments on this poll. I disagree with them but applaud them for speaking up for what they believe. What shocked me though was how the comments were worded. Some of the words used were: naysayers, negative people, whine & complain, lack courage, ignorant, small minded idiots, negative bimbos. I have opinions and am entitled to air them, just as you are. Because I disagree with you doesn't make me negative or a bimbo. As for saying those you wouldn't run for council aren't entitled to complain, that's wrong. I'm a tax paying citizen in a democratic society and am entitled to speak up when I don't like what's going on at city hall. Not everyone is capable of being a councillor but that shouldn't preclude them from being able to voice their opinion. I don't have the verbal skills or the ability to understand complicated documents. That doesn't mean I can't have a well thought out opinion on council's actions. And maybe I serve my community in other ways through being a good friend, a good neighbour, picking up garbage, obeying the laws, helping others out, donating to charity, etc. There are many ways to serve. My philosophy in life is to try and be an encourager when possible but that doesn't mean biting my tongue when I see wrong doing by the people who were elected to represent everyone in the community, not just certain segments.
Terry S.  ( September 2, 2009)
It would be a consideration. However, definitely not as long as any of the present Council (Mayor included) were to hold their positions.
You could be sure that the first people I would turn to where a vote or a great deal of thought was needed would be the taxpayer, especially the people who voted me into the position in the first place. After all, isn't it Council's duty to do their utmost to make decisions in the best interest of the citizens? That's what I have been preaching in my letters to the Editor all along. However, that hasn't been happening has it? No, they wouldn't want me in there. I believe in doing things the proper way.
Civic Pride  ( September 2, 2009)
Governing a community is a trust. We don't elect the "smartest" people in our community, we elect people who will listen to the community and act with integrity and honesty, and when citizens come forward and speak that they will be treated with decency and respect. It is my opinion that this has not happened with present Council. They have been seen to break laws and to change laws to suit their whims. Power allows you to do that, and that is why many people seek power. Those that take the time to educate themselves, be involved and speak out - are the positive voices in our community. Don't let what you have seen with this Council change your mind about civic duty - there are people of integrity here. Yes, Keewatin, Norman, JM are all part of the City. Kenora does not begin and end with the harbourfront and downtown businesses. Good governance should recognize that fact.
Eddy  ( September 2, 2009)
Great point Mike. Those of us with families and jobs may love to run but life gets in the way.
And wait for a year or so and lets add up the numbers and find out just how much these decisions that this council have made will cost us in the long run. Severences and new policing costs will surprise us all I am sure. And even the added costs to snow plow the concrete jungle we call Main Street will be a surprise. Not all the choices made have been very sharpe.
  ( September 2, 2009)
60 or so constant gripers?? Do we read the same paper? The only time the public was that vocal was over the policing debacle, and with good cause! Seems like a 'sharp' and biased comment.
