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After nearly a summer of operation, do you feel the roundabout is working well?
No   141     50%
Yes   141     50%
 Total Votes: 282

Comments   Add Your Own
Peter  ( August 27, 2009)
I think after its all been said .. they should have left it all the way it was. I dont think we gained anything in going through town faster it seem to be the same to me.....and the speed on the day we have our farmers market it comes to a stop. Checking out an old poll 85% IN favour of moving Market to rec center is this going to happen? and you all know that we lost the BIG fIsh.....I DRIVE by, and never see it next time I am on the roundabout going round and round. I think i will keep one eye open for our lost fish.
Mike  ( August 27, 2009)
I love the roundabout! Passive drivers need to step up and get in when there is an opening and quit stopping at the yeild sign. As for signaling, upon entry it would be redundant as you can only enter by going right. And there is scarcely time to put on your turn signal between one exit and the next. If speeds are kept reasonable you can tell as soon as someone is starting to exit and you move into the flow. The few times they have been backed up to Super 8 is nothing different than before. I remember a few times backed up to west side Husky when we had traffic lights. Kudos to the planners!
  ( August 27, 2009)
The trafic will also move a lot faster once they are done with all of the construction and planting. I love the roundabout its the people I cant stand, if everyone knew how to use it, it would be an outstanding asset to Kenora.
  ( August 27, 2009)
The roundabout is the one good thing the mayor and council have done, so we better applaud it!
MS  ( August 26, 2009)
I agree. I like the roundabout, however the trees, plants, and those giant bricks randomly placed in the roundabout and along main street are way over the top, and kind of tacky. Also the lights at Donny B's are really not necessary. The three-way stop worked much better, and the trafic flowed faster because people were actually able to turn left and people coming the other way are not stuck on that street for 5 minutes waiting for the light to turn. However if the issue is the roundabout itself, I have no complaints there!
N/A  ( August 26, 2009)
The roundabout works well. There should be no left turn at Donny B's as it holds up traffic.
traffic  ( August 26, 2009)
The roundabout seems to work well, the lights at Donny B may need some tweeking or maybe eliminated and the three way stop returned. it seemed to work better with this system. A small step forward, but none the less a small step positive. Turn signal use at the roundabout would be a great courtesy to speed up traffic.
Mike  ( August 25, 2009)
I don't mind the roundabout, not a huge fan of the lights at Donny B's though.
HC  ( August 25, 2009)
There are sure a lot of whiners here. Maybe you all should run next election in November 2010!
ls  ( August 25, 2009)
Did we really need the lights at Donny B's? I thought the 3 way stop was working great...traffic flowed better.
