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Would you be offended if Kenora had a festival called the "Redneck Regional".
No   102     49%
Yes   105     51%
 Total Votes: 207

Comments   Add Your Own
Big Man  ( August 20, 2009)
I believe that a festival such as this in Kenora would be a great thing for our enconomy. I believe that it would bring in big name country bands and in turn bring in more tourists to the town. Its not saying that Kenora is a town full of slack jawed yokels, all it is saying is that we are a small fun town who can apprieciate a good time and a few laughs. Tourism is our largest industry now a days, with the majority of the tourists being fisherman, hunters, and cottagers. Why not take advantage of this and have a festival such as the Redneck Festival. Since when do we have a big city attitude, don't forget who we are at our roots, because if your family is from Kenora originally then yes you were from a line of Rednecks after all. We were all once fisherman, loggers, and mill workers.
Two Dogs  ( August 19, 2009)
Should only be for community members
  ( August 19, 2009)
More ammunition for people to add to people's perceptions that we are an uneducated, backwoods community. Redneck Festival really goes well with the new revitalized downtown idea that Kenora is trying to push.
joefriday  ( August 19, 2009)
What's next? The KKK festival
from a visitor  ( August 18, 2009)
I visited Kenora for the first time last fall. The Lake of the Woods is breathtakingly beautiful. Why not work with that and not a derogatory stereotype? If money is needed to hire big draw entertainers, you could consider the salary of the Tourism Development Officer.
Minto - Redneck Games  ( August 18, 2009)
Looking at the town of Minto website - Redneck Games held June 26 / 09. Looks like harmless fun. Perhaps the Beer Belly contest is outdated.
Festivaled out  ( August 18, 2009)
After an extremely busy summer of festivities nearly every weekend, I don't think we need another one so soon. I think we should concentrate our resources into our winter festival and give the volunteers some time to recover. Also, I question the $20,000. In the past, having a festival put on by paid individuals and then expecting volunteers to do all the work has not worked very well.
Progressive Redneck  ( August 17, 2009)
Not offended! However, not necessary either. Have a festival for sure, but make it contemporary, which is attractive.
  ( August 17, 2009)
As I've already stated BAD IDEA. Anyone who thinks it's a good one, should have their own unofficial event - then no one could care less what you call it. As an OFFICIAL event that is to be held by a CITY, it's a very unintelligent idea. I agree with every poster who has mentioned what it COULD be called and it's nowhere near Redneck. C'mon people, we constantly complain as to how outsiders view us and calling an official event by this name just confirms the notion. Redneck is NOT a "cute" title. It's an insult and denotes an ignorant, narrow minded, rascist, backwoods hillbilly. What's in a name??? Pretty much everything.
Billy  ( August 17, 2009)
As I sit here wiping the tea from my lips with a dainty little napkin, I can't help but think that the whole redneck thing is a bad idea. I like the catapult idea and perhaps the Tourism Development Officer could be the first to test it out to see how far it can launch her out of town.
