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 Online Poll
How often do you take part in non-work related physical activity?
Daily   49     41%
Monthly   18     15%
Never   20     17%
Weekly   32     27%
 Total Votes: 119

Comments   Add Your Own
STANLEY  ( August 3, 2009)
Seems this poll is going to 'squash Club 'bash! Hey ladies! Instead of bashing, get positive and open your own just for women. Makes sense. Then you wouldn't have to be self-conscious about all those dirty men staring at your bodies. C'mon! We've got all kinds of vacant stores and buildings in town for all of you. Get on it and let,s leave the squash club thing alone.
  ( August 3, 2009)
The fact that the squash club doesn't allow women is no ones business but theirs! If a large group of women wanted to buy a building and make their own squash club they would be welcome to do so. We have already had women only gyms in this town. I didn't hear any sexist complaints from the men! While I would be more supportive of a all inclusive gym, this one is for men. At least they are exercising!
ZutAlors  ( July 31, 2009)
Hey Richard - Sounds great! Now if only the squash club allowed women - you'd probably be there a lot more.....I love to play squash - and I used to be quite good if I do say so, myself. Last time I checked the squash club, being the last bastion of neanderthalism, didn't allow females. Scared gentlemen? If the rules have changed - ADVERTISE - I'll be there, several times a week to kick some butt and give free lessons.
DAVE  ( July 31, 2009)
I walk daily (sometime 2 or 3 times) for medical reasons and when the weather drives me indoors, I use my gym equipment at home or the Rec center track. Great way to meet people, wildlife, enjoy the scenery and appreciate the seasons.
lenny  ( July 30, 2009)
Hats off to the web master. I'm weekly, well daily if ya count that I walk from my truck into timmies. & by the way I walk back to my truck as well. Io lazy here I tell ya :)
Bizzie  ( July 30, 2009)
I am currently training to run my first full marathon. Staying active is a must! It gives you so much more energy throughout the day, and our bodies were made to move!
Webmaster  ( July 30, 2009)
This poll is for interest only. It seems some small minded individuals continually try to skew the results. Already, two people have placed votes in all four response categories. I will, in the future, start printing the URLs of those who are obviously attempting to fix the poll numbers. Get a life!
Richard  ( July 30, 2009)
I joined the squash club and it's great - 24 hour access works with my schedule as I'm on shift. I only go 2-3 times a week.
