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Would you be offended if Kenora had a festival called the "Redneck Regional".
No   102     49%
Yes   105     51%
 Total Votes: 207

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Randy  ( August 15, 2009)
We spend millions of dollars improving the look of our downtown core and now someone wants to bring in a "Redneck" weekend. Were trying to build up our image, not ridicule it.
Gord  ( August 15, 2009)
Call it something else. We don't have to be known as the redneck capitol of Canada. We built up a good reputation as the fishing capital of Canada with the KBI. Leave it at that.
paw  ( August 15, 2009)
I think the term "Redneck" is derogatory to Kenora and having an event advertising the term, in my opinion, is not something I would support.
 ( August 14, 2009)
Show Spelled Pronunciation [red-nek] Show IPA Informal: Often Disparaging. Use redneck in a Sentence
–noun 1. an uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South. 2. a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class.
The word is mainly based on people from the south. Let's keep it there! Can't anyone think of anything unique anymore??
Elaine  ( August 14, 2009)
Since we have spent all this money to make Kenora look nicer, why not call it the Big Spruce Festival or the Rock Festival.
Sylvia  ( August 14, 2009)
I believe that a Redneck event would be great fun. It is only one weekend out of the year,and it is something unique. Lets face it....no matter how cultured we are, there is a little redneck in all of us. I think council needs to "think outside the box" on this one and give it a chance.
When it first came to light, I mentioned it to some of our friends from Winnipeg and they immediately said...sounds great...when is it?
 ( August 14, 2009)
As long as it draws a crowd to Kenora for a weekend a year, who cares what name is? We all agree we need the business for the town. Does anyone really feel that the name is bad for Kenora's reputation? Rememeber we were a logging town till 4 years ago.
DM  ( August 14, 2009)
I generally have a pretty good sense of humour, however, having a community event named the "Redneck Regional" is not something that I would like to see equated with Kenora. I think something more culturally unique to the area would be a better choice. Something like Folklorama or a Fringe Festival. Not something that will give visitors even more of a reason to think that Kenora is a little redneck town.
  ( August 14, 2009)
While we may use the term "redneck" in a tongue and cheek manner, my feeling is that the interpretation of the word, from those outside of our community, will "put us on the map" for all the wrong reasons. Can we not move forward? This antiquated hillbilly speak should end!
Richard  ( August 14, 2009)
Jeff Foxsworthy makes a living with his "You might be a Redneck if..." brand of comedy. It's a well-accepted term, I don't think anyone would be offended. It would be viewed as something unique and fun, so why not give it a try? We all have a little 'redneck' within ourselves, why not celebrate it?
