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Do you think labels warning women to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy should be on all liquor bottles?
No   99     63%
Yes   57     37%
 Total Votes: 156

Comments   Add Your Own
Cynical in Kenora  ( April 11, 2009)
We should also have the government sue itself for selling alcohol to pregnant women. And then we should put all the farmers in jail, because the grain from their fields is used to make the alcohol that pregnant women drink. And then we should put warnings on parachutes advising pregnant women not to sky dive after their seventh month. And then we should set up more government enforcement agencies and staff them with bureaucrats that aren't very intelligent but have gobs of power. I think over regulation is a slippery slope.
Dianne  ( April 11, 2009)
DUHHHH, with all the warnings already out there in print media and television, what difference would it make. If women today, or their spouses and family, can't get it through their heads that alcohol consumption during pregnancy is bad, then all the labels aren't going to make one iota of difference.
Tobacco has had labels for years but you still see seemingly intelligent people, some pregnant, still smoking.
It's the old "It can't happen to me", syndrome.
Jojo  ( April 10, 2009)
A money grab by a s***** lawyer and perpetuating the victim mentality. Take responiblity for yourselves, stop drinking!
T.J.G  ( April 10, 2009)
You would think a woman would know better without a warning on a bottle.Here we go again with the over protection Don't forget to wear your life jacket in the bathtub.
  ( April 10, 2009)
When are people going to start taking some responsibility for themselves. A pregnant woman living in North America in the year 2009, who drinks alcohol is going to regardless of any warning labels on the bottle. It is blatant stupidity and we as a society must stop taking these half wits by the hand and spoon feeding them every step of the way. Grow up!
