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 Online Poll
Do you support the private member's motion to eliminate the registration of legal rifles and shotguns?
No   47     24%
Yes   153     77%
 Total Votes: 200

Comments   Add Your Own
gr  ( November 9, 2009)
Ya,right. Return the gun my butt. They'll charge you with having a insecure weapon. I don't trust lawmakers. They say one thing and do another!
lk  ( November 9, 2009)
If you require an FAC in order to obtain, possess or purchase firearms and ammunition, should that be sufficient enough? That's what you're doing in the first place and it is documented.
Maxine  ( November 8, 2009)
The Liberal govt seems to have botched the gun registry and wasted a lot of money on it. However, I see no problem with the idea of a gun registry if properly administered. I have trouble undertanding why registering guns seems to irritate gun owners. It's like they're trying to copy the fanatical pro-gun lobby in the US with their paranoia about how the govt is going to come some day and take all their guns. We register our cars, boats, snowmachines, children's births, etc. Why on earth should be complain about having to register a gun? It makes absolutely no sense to oppose gun registeration. Hey, if a criminal steals your gun and gets caught with it, maybe the police might even be able to return your registered gun to you.
law abiding  ( November 8, 2009)
This registration program has cost the tax payers millions of dollars. What a waste.
Dave  ( November 6, 2009)
It is about time this legislation was scrapped. Handguns (which are usually used in a crime) are still a restricted weapon, as they were before the gun registry. This is a good thing. However, they are still out there being used by criminals who either steal them or import them from the US., and of course don't register them!
The average owner of a rifle or shotgun is a law abiding citizen who wants to hunt, collect, or target shoot. Even a person inheriting a weapon was made to look like a criminal in the eyes of the registry.
The long gun registry was a billion dollar financial nighmare. Its cost over runs are almost criminal. The registry for some reason did not apply equally to all owners. Aboriginals did not have to register their weapons, yet statistically were more likely to commit a crime with a long gun!
I am glad to see that remote or rural Canadians have won something! Usually the liberal, anti gun city dwellers tell the rest of us how to live.
A big thank you to Greg Rickford, you made us proud!!
