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Which flu shots are you going to get as soon as they are available?
Both   47     20%
H1N1   38     16%
Neither   112     48%
Seasonal flu   35     15%
 Total Votes: 232

Comments   Add Your Own
Skeptic  ( October 10, 2009)
6.7 billion people in the world, roughly 400,000 confirmed cases of H1N1 causing roughly 4000 deaths. (www.flucount.org) Of the 4000 deaths, many had comprimised health to start with (HIV, cancer, heart disease, old age, etc. etc.) They're talking about the "second wave" of H1N1. When was the first? 6.7 billion people. 4000 deaths. Do the math. Based on these statistics you have a better chance of winning the lottery than dying from H1N1. In 2004, out of 59 million deaths, 1.46 million people died of tuberculosis, and 7.2 million died of coronary heart disease. These sound like pandemic numbers. This H1N1 pandemic reminds me of Aesop's Fable, "The Boy that Cried Wolf". I'll bet somebody's getting rich.
N/A  ( October 9, 2009)
Pregnant and not willing to put my baby at risk on an under researched shot. They have said in the past certain things were safe when pregnant and then infants were born with missing limbs.
Billy Bob  ( October 9, 2009)
Not sure what to do. Need more information.
Dave  ( October 9, 2009)
When I was working, I was forced to get the flu shot. Although I did not get the flu, I had more colds etc. than usual. Now the H1N1 vaccine is available. It has had very minimal human testing (138 German volunteers), and has not even been tested in Canada. To get the manufacturer to let it be used in Canada, the goverment will absorb (PAY OUT) any liability when problems occur with the relatively untested vaccine.
Remember 1976 folks!! There were deaths and permanent disabilities caused by the vaccine, not the Swine Flu. Wash your hands, quit killing all the good bacteria etc with the miriad of disinfectant cleaners and if your sick stay home.
GM  ( October 9, 2009)
I wonder how I get on the money trail. Billions! And we all know how the government likes to waste our dollars.
RH  ( October 8, 2009)
Your damned if you do and damned if you don't. I think I'll not have any poison injected into my system and take care of myself naturally. A healthy body will survive this. I'm seriously leaning towards a pharmaceutical company conspiracy. They certainly are making a lot of profit off this so called pandemic, hmmmmmm.
lenny  ( October 8, 2009)
Well, let me tell ya if ya get the flu shot, word has it ya mite get h1n1 easier. I think it's all a lot of hogwash.
