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 Online Poll
Do you think Kenora is a caring community?
No   111     63%
Yes   64     37%
 Total Votes: 175

Comments   Add Your Own
greg rapinda  ( October 3, 2009)
Most of the taxpayers care about Kenora. it's council who don't care what the taxpayers care about. Policing, all the service cuts. It'll cost kenora in the long run with drunken sailors running the city
STAN  ( October 3, 2009)
Kenora is definitely not a caring community! Proof? Just go to the Shoppers Mall on a Saturday and see all the caring people helping the less fortunate up off the asphalt. NOT!! As for mayor and council,- they care the least about the entire community. If they did, they'd listen to the people who put them in power. Too much power is a dangerous thing. Time to have a watchdog in city hall. The chosen should be leading by example, and, I guess they are!
t zultek  ( October 2, 2009)
It depends in what we are "caring about". Community sense yes, but future of the town no. For the first time in months we haven't been crippled by talk about the mill and have moved on. Council is still convinced that we can survive on tourism, but have missed the boat on youth and future. We originated the Miracle Marathon and set the bar every year for fund raising so it depends what caring means to you? I say no to all and all we think about the frontiers and not the future.
Peter t  ( October 2, 2009)
I think it depends on what click you belong to. Then maybe. But for the most part I don't think there are that many people in Kenora that care.
jack  ( October 2, 2009)
The rednecks in Kenora only care about themselves!
