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Do you think Kenora is on the brink of a major turnaround, especially in light of the Abitibi property purchase
No   127     67%
Yes   63     33%
 Total Votes: 190

Comments   Add Your Own
Issiah  ( September 12, 2009)
The reserve communities are the largest property owners in the area. If they can attract development, build small business to support themselves, then things will look better. Some communities are really trying and we should support them and their communities' leadership.
been here a while  ( September 12, 2009)
Funny how one fellow with a few bucks gets a little town stirred up? Look at Minaki, three fellows with bucks screwed that village up for good! To cure most of what's wrong here we need to lengthen the summer season and stop the exodus when the temperature gets down around the freezing mark. NOT POSSIBLE! No Tourist b'ness can make on 3 months of the year!
future towner  ( September 11, 2009)
Any development is welcome if controlled and not suffocating. Have we turned a corner on one mans dream? This development will not create full time jobs. If built the constuction will be handled by Manitobans, not us. (ie Qualico homes). I still wait for something from the city economic development officer...where are you?
Second cousin of Confucius  ( September 11, 2009)
An accepted offer on the Abitibi property is a baby step in a very long journey.
Small town girl  ( September 10, 2009)
I would definitely like to see more development here but I don't want Kenora to lose it's small town feel. Also, all that waterfront development is sure to drive the price of housing sky high. I don't want to see kids trying to buy their first home having to be saddled with a huge mortgage like in other places.
