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If your favoured federal political party forced another election this fall, would you continue to support them?
No   91     60%
Yes   60     40%
 Total Votes: 151

Comments   Add Your Own
Joe Salesman  ( September 4, 2009)
I think Canada is riding out this world wide recession pretty well. Job gains were posted this August. I'll bet Ignatief won't talk about that. It doesn't matter what Harper does; Ignatief probably already has a speech written stating that Harper's a buffoon for doing such a thing. The first lesson in sales (and getting votes is sales) is too never run down the competition, and always explain what you will do that the competition doesn't.

If an election happens this fall I'm voting for Rickford/Harper; not for Ignatief's empty rhetoric.
Dane  ( September 4, 2009)
Look up hyperbole in the dictionary and you'll probably see a picture of Michael Ignatief. He better start adding some intelligent and factual content to his rants before no one takes him seriously.

A voter  ( September 4, 2009)
Why would I change party or jump ship? If this election is required to stop the new changes to CPP...so be it.
Richard  ( September 3, 2009)
I cannot believe an election is looming. It can only result in another minority government, and thus is just a massive waste of money. Our money. Our political system is flawed, especially with the tactics seen lately where the other parties threaten to take down the government unless they get their way. The conservatives have been unable to push through their 'get tough on crime' agenda as they are in the minority. That's actually why they got my vote last election. I think the other parties should recognize that they were not elected, and let the conservatives implement their agenda. At least then when we have an election, we can truly evaluate whether we like what the government has done. That's not possible with the minority government system, thus we're in an endless do-loop until someone breaks the 50% barrier. What a mess. If the green party gets some seats in the next election, I'm moving to China.
