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 Online Poll
After nearly a summer of operation, do you feel the roundabout is working well?
No   141     50%
Yes   141     50%
 Total Votes: 282

Comments   Add Your Own
aab  ( August 25, 2009)
I agree about the tree. Is this tree going to replace the christmas tree on Main Street?
Just a comment about the stones. Way too much! Over the top!
  ( August 25, 2009)
I think everything is going well, except for the fact that drivers need to learn to signal using the roundabout! Also, coming down the street by Donny B's, you can't turn left, and can't see the stop lights, I can't see a darn thing trying to pull out of that street. The stop line may be too far back.
JS  ( August 24, 2009)
Why the fir tree in the middle of a roundabout? Do they think it's not going to grow and obstruct vision. Town folk are getting used to it but for visitors it is a bit confusing. I'm not head over heels over it.
Christine  ( August 24, 2009)
I like the roundabout. I just wish people would learn how to signal and drive on it. People need to learn that once you are in the circle you have the right of way. Don't stop to let people in, just move it!
Paula  ( August 24, 2009)
I think it moves traffic maybe 20% better. It adds character to Kenora, looks great and its safe. Tourists and old guys with funny hats always drive slow, doesn't matter where they are in town or what town.
  ( August 24, 2009)
It should work given the plethora of signs smothering it!! (Why didn't we need direction before)? Nice to see they planted a load of Sumac nearby too... deer LOVE sumac berries.
Mr Man  ( August 24, 2009)
Its a pain because everyone who goes through it is way to passive a driver. This system works better when you are aggressive and don't sit and wait for cars coming around the opposite side of which you are sitting.
Gord  ( August 23, 2009)
Would be nice if people used signal lights when tiurning on or off the roudabout. They are a device which is standard on all vehicles not an option as some people think. They talk about ignorant 'Tobans well look in the rearview mirror. Also learn to let people out of parking spots, I'm sure you can spare 10 seconds so someone can safely get out of a spot.
lenny  ( August 23, 2009)
Rounders have provin positive in England for years & besides its get me to timmies faster :)
high taxes  ( August 23, 2009)
Wise decision the roundabout, now put the fire hall in the half empty existing town garage.
