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Are you concerned about Kenora Rec Centre rate increases and reduced services?
No   77     45%
Yes   96     55%
 Total Votes: 173

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CONCERNED  ( July 17, 2009)
I wonder how arbitrarily these decisions are made. Does adminstration graft out the results of the decisions they make. For instance if rates go up - does useage go down? If that were the case, would it make sense to lower rates? We would never know that because it seems this Council/Admin. aren't capable of this kind of analysis. The $50,000 we are paying a consultant to do what I suspect is in our "high-buck" administrator's job description - would go a long way in preserving services. Of course the logic behind the hiring of these consultants is that they will deliver the report Council/Admin. want and no fingers will be pointed at them. The Rec Center has turned into a bottomless pit where our tax dollars are concerned, and the saga continues.
swimmer  ( July 17, 2009)
Higher rate fees,more consulting fees, engineering always hiring consultants for project, maybe its time to let the consutants run the rec center and engineering and get rid of the dead weight. Higher rates is not what the users of the rec. need, maybe we need more effective management.
Elaine  ( July 17, 2009)
The more you increase the rates and take away, the less the people will use are wonderful Rec. Center.
Mich  ( July 17, 2009)
The closing of the Child Minding Centre was an increase in fees, especially to those who made use of the wonderful service. Other rec centres (Pan Am Pool, YMCA, and Shapes to name a few) offer babysitting as part of the package. I was very happy to see that Kenora was being progressive. But then they closed the Child Minding Centre and are now increasing fees once again.....ummmm. I guess Kenora doesn't know how to go forward after all, just backwards by making more bad decisions. We should hire another consultant for this too.
Richard  ( July 16, 2009)
I don't use the Rec Centre services today as the rates are too high for me. So, if they increase the rates, it really doesn't matter to me as it's beyond my affordability already.
