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 Online Poll
Would you support hiring a Social Development Officer to coordinate publicly funded service organizations in the city?
No   87     70%
Yes   38     30%
 Total Votes: 125

Comments   Add Your Own
Richard  ( May 8, 2009)
I suspect lots of people will respond to this who know nothing of what work is actually involved. I'd rather see someone hired than the work not be done well. The tenure of the position could also hinge on the amount of funds being overseen, thus they can earn their right to continue on or not.
FYI  ( May 8, 2009)
FYI, the chair of the Lake of the Woods Economic Development Commission does not get paid.
ABM  ( May 8, 2009)
Absolutely, not! I can't even believe this is under discussion. We don't get a whole lot back in this town for the taxes we pay. We're looking at another tax increase, with no additional benefit in services. The lunatics are running the asylum.
C.  ( May 8, 2009)
No. More money wasted. We are not a big city where we rake in a lot of tax money to pay big wages for lots of employees. Whoever does this task now will just have to bear down and continue doing two or three different tasks as part of their job. Besides the way things are with affirmitvie action the best application suited for this job would not get it anyways.
officer waste  ( May 7, 2009)
I pay the wages of an economic development officer now, and that officer has done diddly squat for this town. Geez another officer, sure I support that, raise my taxes some more to pay for another joke.
