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Do you think labels warning women to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy should be on all liquor bottles?
No   99     63%
Yes   57     37%
 Total Votes: 156

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N/A  ( April 14, 2009)
Most pregnancies today are unplanned and some women drink alcohol before knowing they are pregnant. I think a warning label on alcohol is a good idea as it might cause some women to reconsider consuming alcohol before ensuring they are not pregnant - there is still the myth by many that alcohol is not harmful until later on in the pregnancy - No consumption at anytime during pregnancy should be on the bottle.
Bingo  ( April 13, 2009)
Maybe a lawyer could file a class action suit for children with fetal alcohol syndrom TO SUE IRRESPONSIBLE parents that drank when they were pregnant! Lets put lables on pop, "may cause diabetes" or sign boards "living in isolated communities where there is nothing to do or where there will never be an economy may lead to alcoholism"
progressive redneck  ( April 13, 2009)
There is a very high percentage of human beings in NWO who are affected with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Ignorance, possibly illiteracy and probably alcoholism could be the cause. If this is the case, a picture could mean a thousand words and possibly could make difference in the brighter future of others.
I have a question though...who's pictures would be on the bottles? Who would be making these decisions? Can a person with pronounced FAS decide rationally if they want their picture on a bottle of alcohol?
Chris  ( April 12, 2009)
Warning labels should NOT be on liquor bottles. When you drink when your pregnant you have a problem. Individuals should start taking responsibilty for themselves. Lawyers should stop wasting tax payers money on individuals that obviously don't really care!
Jeff  ( April 12, 2009)
Again, people need to take responsibility for their actions. If women do not know by now the dangers of drinking while pregnant, do you really think a warning on a bottle is going to provide them with a "light bulb moment" not to drink? Give me a break.
Heather  ( April 12, 2009)
With all the good things a lawyer could do pro bono to help out the people in our town who need it, THIS was the choice that was made? What an absolute waste of time and resources, and just another prime example of the wrong choices made in this town. There are people without places to live, and there are children going hungry. And this waste of time lawyer is more concerned about beating a dead issue? Another silly example of negative publicity for Kenora. Alcohol addiction is the problem, not putting silly stickers on bottles.
gr  ( April 12, 2009)
Women who drink during pregnancy are alcoholics. A warning label won't stop them from drinking. Another frivolous lawsuit to tie up the courts!
  ( April 11, 2009)
Is this for real? We have products out there like tobacco that have warnings on them – hate to tell ya they do not work. But I know one thing that would work. This is a kicker – stop selling it.
MM  ( April 11, 2009)
it will not stop anyone from drinking. Look at the cigarette packs, very graphic right? Now look on the street and you still see people smoking. It's just a way for the lawyer to make himself important, that's all. And since booze is produced worldwide. how the heck are you going to make the other producers comply? Instead of flogging a dead horse, perhaps Mr Lawyer would better put his engergies toward getting more low income housing built in the area instead. It is a much more feasible item.
Richard  ( April 11, 2009)
But of course. We should also ensure that a note is attached to the 'bongs' that are sold commercially as those folks may be unaware that dope smoking comes with risks as well. Honestly, have we lost all measure of self responsibility? I hope the judge throws that lawsuit out and charges the lawyer with court costs. It's enough to make you sick!
