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Should spanking a child be a criminal offence 'if it exceeds what is reasonable under the circumstances'?
No   75     48%
Yes   80     52%
 Total Votes: 155

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All For Spanking  ( June 27, 2008)
With the "outlawing" of spanking due to a softer more liberal society of "time out parents"! Parents have lost a powerful discipline tool in disciplining their child in times when the child is really acting up and being disrespectful to people and or property. In this day and age by teaching the child that spanking is wrong in school the child will use this against their own parents, threating them with child abuse charges when no abuse has really taken place. This makes the parents use a lighter form of discipline and plays the child's game by allowing the child to get away with being a total punk because there is no repercussions for their actions. A parent should always try and keep a cool head and definetly not give a spanking out in anger cause that is crossing the line! By giving the child a couple slaps with an open hand on the rear and then letting the child know exactly why they got the spanking so hopefully they learn a lesson and so that they know that when they are living under the same roof as the parents that they will abide by the parents rules and curfews so the parents could keep better tabs on where their kids are and what they are doing. While growing up I've had maybe a handful of spankings and looking back all of the spankings I got I deserved and they weren't a traumatic experience and didn't leave any scars physiological or physical! I feel I am also a better person for it!
rear end  ( June 25, 2008)
Spare the rod spoil the child. How many of us 35-50 year olds remember a slap or spanking on the rear end by our parents, probably well deserved and within reason. The lack of discipline now today is a joke. Go take a time out. I survived it and I'm a better person for it. Bring the strap back to the schools too. You do gooders with your psychological remedies make me puke!
C.T.  ( June 24, 2008)
Parents should be held responsible for actions taken towards their children if they have harmed them in any way. If a child shows any markings or has trouble coping physically from any type of physical abuse.., then by all means the parent should be punished under the law as assault causing bodily harm.
david and crystal(old school parent's)  ( June 23, 2008)
That's the problem with this new generation ...ask your gramma or grampa if he got away with coming home drunk at 13 or 14 ...or if it was ok to steal $20.00 from his mom. See their response. Old school rules – you people need them. My kids are 11,13,15,18...they're still at home still in school and yes ...we know where they are all the time. You see, we're old school parents. By the way I'm 42 and misses is 33, and GOD YES STAND FIRM AGAINST YOUR KIDS. If they need it then by all means give it..but never stop loving them. Wake up people. We're tired of seeing and hearing about police babysitting kids cause there parents can't control them...take a stand.
Richard  ( June 20, 2008)
The problem with the question is that no two people have the same understanding of "reasonable circumstances", and in the end it's the court's understanding that counts. Therefore, I'd need to know what that is before I can answer.
MR  ( June 20, 2008)
Peoples definition of reasonable can be vastly different. No person should abuse a child, however in this day in age children need more structure and discipline. Far too many children have no respect for their parents. In my day you would have never heard a child yell or swear at a grownup, now it seems common place. The children have far to much control.
