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Do you think the firehall would be a good place for a new ambulance centre if we build a new fire station?
No   70     43%
Yes   91     57%
 Total Votes: 161

Comments   Add Your Own
Crystal  ( January 15, 2009)
To: SAVE SOME: #1 the warehouse is to old....#2 how can you save money taking a building down and rebuilding it somewhere else? #3 how much is the building? #4 property value at the garage majhal is everly increasing you would not want to put a used building there.
save some  ( January 15, 2009)
Why not combine the two together and save some money? Millions of dollars to spend on a new fire hall up on Barsky Hill, when there probably is for a fact an Abitibi building that could house both easily – its called number eight warehouse. I am sure that councillor Van Walleghem is very familiar with this building! C'mon Chris, save us some money!
