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 Online Poll
Are you concerned about Kenora Rec Centre rate increases and reduced services?
No   77     45%
Yes   96     55%
 Total Votes: 173

Comments   Add Your Own
Concerned  ( July 23, 2009)
Pool closure for a month is excessive, especially for the many who swim as part of an exercise routine. It seems the "Wellness Centre" is only concerned about wellness 11 months of the year.
Paulo  ( July 23, 2009)
I do not use the facility. I do however beleive in a "user pay" system. When I go to a show, concert, game etc. I pay what it costs. This should hold true if I want to use the rec centere facilities.
I am tired of people thinking that other people through taxes should pay for their lives. Eveyone seems to think that whatever goes wrong in their lives that some level of government albeit municipal, federal or provincial should pay. No wonder our taxes are so high!!
Dale Pearson  ( July 23, 2009)
Having been employed for the City for 14 years makes me understand the serious level of disfunction that is going on in this town. If the Public knew of the realities of what`s really going on behind closed doors with this level of disfunction, the Mayor, CEO, and Upper Management would be charged and dismissed from their positions. If the Public only knew.
An Ex 14 year Employee and very concerned Taxpayer.
me oh my  ( July 22, 2009)
Always doing stuff for the rich, what about us average folks who can't afford to take all our kids as it is. Raise the fee?? Give me a break!! We need to start making things for EVERYONE and not just the rich. Remember we all deserve to use the facitlities no matter how much $$ we make and our kids deserve to use it also, as they can't help how much their parents make. It just makes me sooo mad that KENORA is always doing thing backwards. Lets let all use the facilies, start giving back to the commuinity! My kids like to use the pool too, but sometimes I just cannot afford to take them!
Linda  ( July 20, 2009)
Only in Kenora! You know if you would lower the prices and make it more affordable to more families, you would probably make money. But no, let's raise the prices and have an exclusive club for the rich. Lower the prices and maybe keep more kids off the streets.
Dave  ( July 19, 2009)
Supply and demand could mean that it's less crowded when I go. Works for me.
N/A  ( July 19, 2009)
That makes no sense. Pay more for less...Kenora is so backwards
lenny  ( July 19, 2009)
Maybe its time the purse string holders
CHECK themselves before they REC (WRECK) themselves
sorry for the pun couldn't help it.
Maxine  ( July 18, 2009)
Someone made a comment about $50,000 being paid to consultants for some service. Seems to me I read that closing the rec centre for a month will save $50,000. Wouldn't it have been more sensible to have someone already working for the city do whatever the consultant is being paid to do and use the $50,000 to fund the rec centre for that month. I think there'd be a lot more money to actually provide services to the citizens if there were fewer consultants raking in big bucks for plans tha are usually poorly thought out. Or which are written to agree with whatever pet plan council wants to implement.
Chris  ( July 17, 2009)
I do not use the rec centre as it is...its to expensive. As for the people that do, great! Pay for less service that makes sense. Only in KENORA!
