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Do you think Kenora is moving in the right direction on future development?
No   94     68%
Yes   45     32%
 Total Votes: 139

Comments   Add Your Own
Fossil  ( June 25, 2009)
What this city needs is the change that is happening now. It's not going to be quick and seemless, it'll take time. Development is change, infrastructure is change, OPP is change.... we can sit here and complain about a lot of different things or we can take advantage of this and develop and grow with this area. There are many opportunities that are yet to be discovered.
Dave  ( June 25, 2009)
Kenora is a tourist town. Nothing else left but goverment funded payrolls. Jail, hospital, social sevice, MNR.ect. No use ranting. Go to Steveston BC. web and see what a town that lost all it's major employment in fishing and canning did. No parking lot on their waterfront! Been there. Makes Kenora look like Gravel Gerty.
sunshine  ( June 24, 2009)
I believe Geoff has the right idea. If we are going to be a regional center or tourist destination We need a lot more cottage lots opened up on LOW and on smaller lakes to entice outsiders to move to this area.
Mark  ( June 23, 2009)
I think we are on the right track. We can not only be a tourist hub for Manitoba who have the strongest economy in Canada, but as a commerce hub for the emerging First Nations economies. We need to attract the Creative Class to our area (read Richard Florida's writings). Best way would to advocate for a satellite university campus focused on the environment, indigenous studies and treaties, not just for Canada but world wide.

We should put an international treaty centre at the Common Grounds as a place where acedemics, politicians and NGO's from around the world can meet to create 21st century agreements between the original peoples and developers. If the University campus was at the mill site, you could walk there (think urban trails)!\

The bonus would be that our infrastucture could be used year round - students at the bars in the winter and tourists in the summer.
Tax Payer  ( June 22, 2009)
Enough already about the tourists. How about the Kenora taxpayer being able to enjoy this fine town. If the tourists come here...that is great but the people who live here should be able to afford the attractions here.
just me  ( June 22, 2009)
The changes aren't nessesarily the right changes. We need to get rid of the parking lot in the harbourfront, what a waste of prime space!! This town is far from being a tourist town. Let the harbourfront be full of kiosks and fun things so tourists coming into town can go to the harbourfron for other reasons than PARKING! Let the harbourfront be where everyone can gather, maybe somthething like the forks but better and on a smaller scale. This is a beautiful town but needs some bright new ideas to be a real tourist area.
Geoff  ( June 21, 2009)
Glad to see the (elected) feds here putting infrastructure money into this riding. Forget about forestry, doubtful mining. What we need to do is lobby poiticians like hell to free up 10,000 cottage lots or more. There is lots of room in this region. Do your bit, lobby the government for 10,000 cottage lots. Everyone benefits from this type of long term development. It will work and their is great potential here.
Realist  ( June 21, 2009)
There's a reason all the university and college students who are successful are going to schools further and further away from this town. It's been mismanaged for years and is slowly going to have the sole purpose of being a retirement/tourist town, though you could make the argument we're already there. The school systems are for the most part poorly ran, and with the paper industry seemingly down for the count, I'm glad I'll be moving shortly.
Survivor  ( June 20, 2009)
I didn't know there was a direction, although, I think the path of least resistance would be tourism. I've been to a tourist town and Kenora has a long way to go if the goal is to be a world class tourist destination. It's clearly too late for forestry. Hey, what about an auto plant. Then when times get tough we'll get billions and billions.
Mike  ( June 19, 2009)
Why do some people always think we need some industry to move here to entice our young people back? Last I remember you went to university or college to learn not just a profession, but you learn how to think. Just because someone hasn't got a ready made position for you doesn't mean there are no jobs. Put that fancy education to work and try creating employment! We are not in decline, we are changing. There is a difference. Try paying attention and attend a meeting about economic development instead of whining. You will find out there is much more going on than meets the eye!
