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Do you think labels warning women to avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy should be on all liquor bottles?
No   99     63%
Yes   57     37%
 Total Votes: 156

Comments   Add Your Own
Ken  ( April 16, 2009)
How about a label on lighters and matches warning that they could start a fire.
Dave  ( April 16, 2009)
Everyone seems to think it's only a label, but there will be a whole "enforcement agency" behind it trying to catch bottlers breaking the law so they can shut them down. Maybe they broke the law by using the wrong colour font on the label. Ever hear of the cigarette police? Ask a retailer about how absolutely ridiculous those laws are. Ever notice that your lotto ticket MUST be signed, but the clerk never checks the signature against your I.D., and then rips up the ticket and throws it in the garbage. Be careful of beaurocrats making laws that sound good on the surface. Things are getting so ridiculous that when you buy an electrical appliance the manual advises you not to stand in water when you plug it in. Betcha a ridiculous law suit was behind that one.
  ( April 16, 2009)
No one wants to see a woman drink during pregnancy, but how far does the responsibility of the public go to override the behaviour of an independent, so called, adult? It's not as though the educational process hasn't been visited many times, with regard to the mother's ingestion of various substances and the effect on an unborn child. The fact remains that the information provided to date has not scared these individuals (presumably because they just don't give a damn) and putting labels on bottles is only to try and throw the blame onto those that have no control over who may chose to ingest the product. In other words it's another legal smoke screen so that lawyers can now have a defendant they can sue and enhance their careers and wallets. Shame on them.
senior citizen  ( April 15, 2009)
What is the matter with all of you people! Anything that might make a pregnant lady stop & think about the dangers of alcohol is a definite plus. If it's just a simple label on a bottle, how easy & inexpensive is that? Education comes in all forms & it's only through education that this terrible scourge on newborns can be eliminated. At the very least, let's give it a try.
Grammie  ( April 15, 2009)
Come on Doug, tell me this is an April fools joke. Sure had me going for awhile. Had a good laugh over it.
Eddy  ( April 15, 2009)
Well I know this will cause an uproar...but does that mean we will have to put warning labels on Lysol, mouthwash and hairspray as well?
  ( April 15, 2009)
What a joke! In this day and age if people don't know what is good and not good during pregnacy, or in life for that matter, it's because they don't want to know!!
Another bleeding heart that want's to waste taxpayers money!
mom  ( April 14, 2009)
YES. I think sure why not..if they have warning labels on cigarette packs, why not on liquor bottles. Some may need to see a warning label to deter them. You shouldn't need to have one but it won't hurt. If you can save even one baby its worth it! It might not make a difference, I still see lots of pregnant women smoking while they know what it does to you, but some may have stopped by reading the labels. Altough it might not help its worth a try, KIDS are worth it.
  ( April 14, 2009)
Another ludicrous waste of money. Another lawyer trying to shift the onus to the supplier of the alcohol to assume the responsible role rather than the purchaser/imbiber. Do you really think that pregnant women who drink don't know the risk they're running? Do you really believe that a label will cause them to become teetotallers? This is just crazy. Vehicles should have labels that say "lethal weapon, handle with care" and that would stop idiots from killing people? It just boggles the mind. How damn silly can we get?
CH  ( April 14, 2009)
They do that with cigareets and it doesn't stop people from smoking. How are warnings on bottles gonna help. Waste of more taxpayer's money.
