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Are you satisfied with city snow removal efforts on streets, sidewalks and rural roads in Kenora this winter?
No   35     47%
Yws   40     53%
 Total Votes: 75

Comments   Add Your Own
Darren  ( March 14, 2017)
The town does a pretty good job sometimes. Other times it seems like whomever is in charge, doesn't have a clue. All would be better if it weren't for dip sticks on quads and irresponsible plow people pushing snow on to the street (contrary to a city by-law) or creating banks that impede traffic or visibility. Good example is a driveway at the east corner of Drewry Dr. Some plow guy seems to think it is okay to reduce traffic to one lane and create a mountain of snow for the city to remove! Makes one wonder why By Law Enforcement is not all over situations like this.
big george   ( March 13, 2017)
lf the snow removal crew worked more than 3 hours out of an 8 hour day l think things would be fine. Time to privatize this operation. Time to do something about this!
 ( March 13, 2017)
Way to do your job, city employees!
Pete  ( March 11, 2017)
So much snow left on the road after they plow. I read earlier that they need to put the plow to the ground. The constant parking of vehicles on the street are a big problem. Most of central (park street) residents have backyards for cars and trucks but are too lazy to walk. Impose parking bans in the winter so it will be easier to clean up.
RLR  ( March 10, 2017)
Instead of having a snow removal truck coming by at top of the speed limit sending snow down and blocking driveways. How about using a good old fashion Grader that has a up and down arm on it to stop the snow from going into driveways? (And leaving large piles of snow)
pc  ( March 9, 2017)
Once again we complain about snow removal , if it wasnt for persons parking on the streets they could do their job better. City bylaw enforcement should start doing their job and towing and ticketing them, some cars were parked in Minto area all winter and never moved
Fred  ( March 9, 2017)
For the most part streets and sidewalks were not bad at least in Kenora West. Although the snow banks were not cleaned as much as last year and sidewalks seemed to take a long time to get done and once they were done it seemed that ignorant quad owners with plows or ignorant truck plow operators would plow the newly cleaned sidewalks in with the snow from their driveways. City should do more to curb this. Also maybe it is
time to look at privatizing the plowing and sanding sidewalks so they are done in a more timely fashion, then people don't have to walk on the roads.
JD  ( March 9, 2017)
For the most part YES. This winter was hard to figure out. Their job would be a lot easier if By Law Enforcement charged people for depositing residential snow on the streets. They pass my residence at least twice a day. There is a snow mountain left by a neighbor that actually impedes traffic. They don't seem to care, or see it!!
john  ( March 9, 2017)
Never mind rural roads or streets our street has been the worst it has been for years.
Operators don't know how to plow, the blade does go to the ground. Everything downtown seems to get plowed, cleaned up & sanded but once again we are not the downtown social club if there was an emergency ambulence, fire truck etc. they could not make it down our road even the garbage truck can not make it!
pk  ( March 8, 2017)
I think for the snow and weather conditions we had this winter the streets were very well taken care of. The only complaint I would have was the difficulty getting from your car to the sidewalk. Especially on Main Street.
