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Given OCCPS recommends five additional officers bringing the OPP quote closer to the KPS quote, should council be revisiting their decision?
No   100     42%
Yes   136     58%
 Total Votes: 236

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  ( December 20, 2008)
It's quite clear that too many folks have relied only on the local newspapers and their incredibly unbalanced reporting on this. I have actually read the RFP, both Bids and the recent OCCOPS ruling. Here are some facts- The 5 additional officers relate to the OPP bid as they believe 1 more officer, per shift to work ON THE ROAD is required. The 5th is strictly for 1st Nations issues. Now, stay with me here, the OPP bid already put 7 officers per shift on the road per shift, PLUS a Sgt that was free to patrol which totals 8. The additional officer will make 9 per shift, on the road working. The KPS bid of 51 officers INCLUDED all their management, training, forensic, crime, drug, community service officers. This translated into 6 officers per shift actually on the road with a SGT who is provincially mandated to remain within the office to supervise the radio system. I know this is hard for some to follow, but what that means is that AT LEAST 2 MORE OFFICERS, PER SHIFT, would be required to be added to the original KPS 51 officer bid total just to meet the standard that OCCOPS just set! Now folks, lets factor in the KPS recent wage settlement of 4.5% for 2007 and poised to get more for the 2008 settlement. The 2007 increase just cost the city over $600.000. Break out your calculators. Yeah, this is a "no brainer" all right. And if you don't believe me, go ask your local Hell Angels reps (of which we have a full patch member living amongst us). Ask them who they would rather do battle with – then choose the opposite. GET INFORMED for god's sake!
Rolo  ( December 20, 2008)
This issue isn't even about policing. Our council has nothing but contempt for the citizens of Kenora. From where I stand the feeling is mutual. The fact that they won't discuss policing speaks volumes. The fact that they're rushing Monday's special council meeting speaks volumes. The fact the meeting was announced too late to go in the paper speaks volumes. They ignore all facts, figures, common sense and insist on having their way like spoiled children. Is there no one on our council with guts enough to stand up and say "we screwed up big time"? Guess not! I shudder to think what our policing costs are going to be in future and it'll be too late to complain then. And although we may vote out our present mayor and council, the damage will be done. They must be rolling about with laughter at how they've played this whole policing issue and gotten away with it. They don't care if they get turfed, they've achieved their goal.
rod  ( December 20, 2008)
Not in this mess. Is the cost of a new police station for KPS [$6,000,000] included? Are the OPP going to come to their rescue when there is a major crime to investigate as they have done in the past for free. We all know KPS has screwed up every major investigation they had.
For KPS  ( December 19, 2008)
Lets not move on. Isn't it time we held our city council accountable for the continuing mistakes and autocratic decisions they keep making without all the facts?
Bring the Police issue back to the table, have the OPP tell the truth and let's let the people of Kenora decide who they want doing their policing. Should it be run from a desk in Toronto or by our Police Chief who is accessible here in Kenora? Thats a no brainer for me.
 ( December 19, 2008)
This should definately be revisited. Southern Ontario will dictate to the northern region as to hikes and cuts, just as 'they' have done in all aspects of our northern society. I hope these 4 council members and one mayor have new plans for next election.., because they won't be politicians anymore.
Next.....  ( December 19, 2008)
I think we should save the Winnipeg Jets. The Mill and KPS are still too fresh for us poor Kenora people to deal with.
Not the Village Idiot  ( December 19, 2008)
Two words summarize this situation. INADEQUATE (as described by OCCP's decision) - the consultant & report, the police costing committee & council! VINDICATED - Dan Jorgenson & the KPS, and the community who demonstrated & proved those inadequacies! And perhaps a third word - INCOMPETENT - to describe this council! It was bad enough that taxpayer's money was wasted on this high buck consultant and his "inadequate" report, but that council is willing to jeopardize community safety to pursue their personal agendas and dogma defies description. Of course they should rebid!
not being fooled  ( December 19, 2008)
OCCPS mandate was emphasized by themselves as ... "to determine if the proposed service was adequate & to ensure any discharged employees were treated fairly". THAT'S IT. However, their unsolicited recommendation oversteps their mandate but clearly indicates the failure of the OPP bid to protect the community. (something the KPS bid emphasized and originally focused on - to deaf ears) The new bid requested from the OPP will undoubtably be higher and based on information (standards) not initially available to the KPS. This is a no brainer. Put the egos aside and use the new information to gather "tighter bids from both services. Keep it honest and "on the table" and we will find success.
Josie  ( December 19, 2008)
The OCCPS decision was a political decision given the KPS proposal specified the present compliment of 46 uniformed officers, (now 47.56 as suggested by OCCPS) It looks like the KPS proposal was done correctly while the original low bid of 40.5 officers in the first OPP proposal and 42.5 in the second definitely skewed the numbers. OPP salaries and benefits were based on 2003 numbers. There will be a catch up of five years from the original OPP proposal. I firmly believe that there should be another call by council for new proposals from the KPS and the OPP and that ALL EXPENSES and changes, such as building improvements and the movement of other departments to the City from the KPS, be taken into consideration. As taxpayers, we have a right to know what we will be expected to pay for policing. We need to have honest and open accounting and the only way to do this is to have another bidding process.
Maxine  ( December 19, 2008)
Of course it should be revisited. That's a no brainer. The bids are now pretty well equal between KPS & OPP. Where's the savings? And in future when it comes time for pay raises, with the KPS the city can negotiate. With OPP the city will be told what they're paying. No choice. If OPP says you need 10 additional officers in the summer, Kenora will pay. Again, no choice. If you think the KPS has been expensive just you wait!
