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Do you think Railway Street is the right location for the new ambulance centre?
No   149     82%
Yes   32     18%
 Total Votes: 181

Comments   Add Your Own
gordo  ( February 22, 2010)
wonders why the people who vote yes don't have a comment. this council should show some guts an tell the them to stick the swamp idea where the sun don't shine, and listen to the people for a change
deb  ( February 21, 2010)
OLDFIRE HALL can it be that easy you bet roll up the doors back them in call it a day go for coffee.....and think of the money saved
Redneck  ( February 21, 2010)
This another case of complete and udder empire building by some self important mucky mucks thinking they deserve the power they have. This shouldn't even be an issue. It clearly should be beside the hospital and everyone can see it! I am sick and bloody tired of common sense losing out because someone doesn't want to give up their power. Disgusting.
gordo  ( February 20, 2010)
Maybe the city should take over ambulance services in the city and the KDSB look out for the outskirts of the city. Our fire dept shows up at all ambulance assist so the city might as well make some money out of the service, cause the city is doing it at a cost thats probably not budgeted for.
Cynical in Kenora  ( February 20, 2010)
Traffic is usually tied up on Railway due to trains by Pro Auto Glass and Round Lake. The detour due to trains would be ridiculous. How about using the (soon to be) old firehall on Second St. There . . . I just saved the city $50,000 on a consultant.
Concerned  ( February 20, 2010)
I'm okay with it, as long as I don't have my heart attack in Keewatin on a busy summer Friday afternoon.
Peter t  ( February 19, 2010)
Whats the big deal? We're building a new fire hall. Put in extra stalls for parking and get over it already.
Richard  ( February 19, 2010)
What about the soon to be vacated fire department building? You're right on the main highway and retrofitting this building wouldn't appear at first thought to be as expensive as building brand new.
Glen Morrison  ( February 19, 2010)
Hey I have a piece of property in Keewatin they could use would be happy to sell. it would be great to have the station in west Kenora. See I am getting over it.
norman  ( February 19, 2010)
They better check the soil for contamination as a long time ago that was a dumping ground for contaminates like oils, diesel fuel and the old roundhouse, They could end up opening up a big problem with the contaminates going into the creek behind Derouard Motors
