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Will you be watching the Olympics on TV?
Extensively   43     34%
Not at all   26     20%
Occasionally   59     46%
 Total Votes: 128

Comments   Add Your Own
N/A  ( February 16, 2010)
How does Canada as a whole benefit economically? The government has over spent on the Olympics and are expecting losses. Our tax dollars should be used for causes that would benefit us year round.
Jack  ( February 15, 2010)
"It's sad that the people least likely to benefit from the Olympics are the ones who are having to pay for them".
Spoken like a true Boob Rae socialist. Most Ontarians remember how good we had it when Rae's collection of incompetent misfits held the reins of power and nearly bankrupted the province. How anyone can claim people living on social programs are paying for the Vancouver Olympics is beyond me.
Dan  ( February 15, 2010)
Since we are still paying for the Montreal and Calgary games, it will be decades to pay this one off. What a waste of money and resources. What financial benefits will we see? Our taxes wont go down!
The politics of the games are even a joke. First off it was the First Nations complaining about the use of the Cowichan Sweater, now Quebec whining about French not being included, then you have the street scum breaking windows and causing trouble with the police. Sounds like a fun event.
Way to go Mother Nature. After all is said, done and financed, you get the last laugh!!
hockey mom  ( February 15, 2010)
I am dissapointed to hear such negative comments regarding such a positive event. Canada does benefit in the economical impact of the Olympics. Look up the history of the Olympics. Yes, maybe it has become more commercialized, but it is still about the competitions and the sport. But more importantly, it is about the athletes living out a dream. My son has a dream of becoming an Olympian. I am not going to dash those hopes by bringing politics and money into it. Every child needs to dream and every athlete needs to believe. Corny, I know. But, it is funny how having children changes one's perspective in life. I never cared much about the Olympics until this year. My children are sport nuts and are pumped about watching the events and cannot wait to see Mike Richards play!!
Randy  ( February 14, 2010)
How many millions upon millions of tax payer dollars go into the Olympics. There are children in our country who go to bed hungry, many families who live below the poverty line and countless Canadians who cannot receive timely medical procedures and treatment, and yet we spend millions upon millions on the Olympics so some 20 something who has never worked a day in their lives can be paid to train sliding a crazy carpet down a tube filled with ice so that they can win a gold medal and go onto sign million dollar endorsements. Throw in the taxpayer paid free condoms the athletes receive while at the games and hey life sounds pretty good..for the athletes at least. However the lives of average Canadians do not improve with every gold medal won. We don't wake up with more hospitals, better health care, more to eat or better opportunities to improve our socioeconomic standing in life.
The Olympics are a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. There are so many people in this country more worthy of receiving help from the taxpayer than the athletes, citizens of Vancouver and the multi national conglomerates that stand to benefit the most from the olympics. It's sad that the people least likely to benefit from the olympics are the ones who are having to pay for them.
Fan  ( February 13, 2010)
Started off by watching the opening ceremonies. Thought they were great.
Lenny  ( February 13, 2010)
Yes I’ve got a new fav. It’s the downhill racing where they are skiing in a group (very challenging). Most important, our prayers for courage go out to the family of the young man that lost his life on the luge.
