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Do you think the city staff are doing a good with snow removal?
No   88     51%
Yes   86     49%
 Total Votes: 174

Comments   Add Your Own
Lucy  ( February 1, 2010)
I live in Kenora but I agree with the Keewatinites that Keewatin's grader operators were and still are excellent, and yes, better than some of Kenora's. One cannot expect full service snow removal if we do not have enough manual labour to use the shovels to clear the paths. The KPS were excellent at advising Public Works as to which intersections required sanding.
A number of years ago my mother climbed over the snow bank at the post office and broke her wrist. When a letter was sent to the Town Administration, the response was that she should have walked to the end to the sidewalk. Can you imagine an 80+ year old walking out into that busy intersection to get to the sidewalk so she could get into the post office? It appears nothing has changed. I cannot quite understand why the parking meters were not placed along the buildings when the downtown reconstruction took place. This would have made it much easier to clear the sidewalks with the sidewalk plough, pushing the snow to the edge of the road and then having it cleaned up properly by the snow removal crew. Far more efficient than what is taking place now. Where is the risk management??
City of Kenora citizen  ( February 1, 2010)
Keewatin is gone....get over yourselves.
Wanda  ( February 1, 2010)
Overall I think that the crews do a pretty good job but I would really like to see the banks cleared around the post office right away. This is a place that everyone accesses every day and there's rarely even a path cleared through the banks. When the banks are not cleared the vehicles parked there take up more of the traffic lane, causing a lot of congestion as well as creating a safety issue. And I agree with the old Keewatin service assessment. Snowclearing was always quick and efficient when Keewatin was in control of it's own services.
Glen Morrison  ( February 1, 2010)
I work downtown and I think the workers are doing a great job. If you have a complaint with an area then I believe there is a procedure to address your issue. For the person who does not want grooves, this is to hold the sand on the road when it is cold, otherwise it blows off. To the person from Keewatin we will always be better LOL.
Ticked Off  ( February 1, 2010)
Mayby when you slide through on of the many death trap intersections in town and wreck your ride, Mark will give you a ride to work!
  ( February 1, 2010)
My question is, why weren't the crews instructed to clear away all the slush on our warmest weekend yet, before the deepfreeze occurred? It absolutely appalling that all the slush on the roads was left there to freeze, making the roads treacherous! You can't blame the crews, but you can blame Compton for telling them when they can and cannot work! Mother Nature does not work on a MON-FRI. schedule. Perhaps a 24/7 shift rotation needs to be introduced so that the crews can work according to weather conditions. A few comments have been made comparing Manitoba roads to Ontario's. The biggest one is that a policy in Man. states that 80% of pavement must be showing and if the crews left the roads like we have left ours, they would be fired! I am not suggesting that public works be fired, but we can 'fire' Compton in November!
norman  ( January 31, 2010)
I think people should be blaming council, not the front line workers. Council is the ones that are fooling the people into thinking every thing is hunky dory. They cut back on sanding, tree trimming and storm sewer maintenance. The next council has 3 years of maintinance to get caught up with so hope the next budget is 4 years all rolled into one.
Dale Pearson  ( January 31, 2010)
Regarding the snow removal around the Kenora area, I would like to give a Huge Thanks to all the city union workers and Mark VanBreda for doing everything they could during these icy times.
It`s not as easy as it looks, that`s for sure. Having been behind the scenes for 14 years, it has really been an education regarding all the problems Public Works has had to deal with over the years.
If anyone has a problem with the level of Service the city provides, you, the taxpayer, really need to contact upper management, the mayor and council about your concerns as they dictate the level of service, you, the taxpayer receives..(Not Mark VanBreda)
C.  ( January 31, 2010)
I would say they are doing a fair job. Whatever happened to the directional signs that were going to go at the main downtown intersection? How is a out of towner supposed to know which lane to be in if they are turning or going straight when they are painted on the road covered in snow and ice?
Dole  ( January 31, 2010)
They're pretty quick getting the major arteries done - better than in the larger cities I think, but what's with the grooves carved into the ice on the streets? With the grooves your tires are only in contact with the ridge of the groove reducing tire to road contact by probably 80 - 90%. VERY DANGEROUS!! Why is this done?? Also, why does the grader "shave" the ice on the streets? It goes from being a little rough to being smoother than glass making it way more slippery. Again, why is this done?
