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Do you think you can maintain your monthly Hydro costs when new smart meters are introduced?
No   59     53%
Yes   53     47%
 Total Votes: 112

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Curt  ( January 15, 2010)
Unfortunately the rates will go up 2.2-3.5 cents/kw/h for most of the day and only drop by 1.4 at night so it is an increase no matter how you look at it. Factor in the 8% P.S.T. on July 1st and it will be substantial. I think everyone has adopted energy saving ideas like timers and light bulbs and no one has electric heat but if you live in the country you still need hot water, dryer an oven and in my case heat trace for water lines and adding a few cfl bulbs doesn't do much for you (anybody still run an outdoor hotub in winter?). Since the closing of N.W. Ontario's forest industry, decimation of the south's manufacturing and conservation there is a surplus of cheap power out there. It's just too bad Ontario can't use this as a business and resident advantage instead it comes off as a sneaky rate hike and that using the abundant natural resources in our area for jobs and industry is bad for the environment.
Dave  ( January 15, 2010)
It all comes down to playing the game. Use power in the off peak hours. Turn off lights, all that crap. However when the demand changes, the peak hours will change. Its not even about energy conservation or green house gases. Its all about profit. (which leads to the question why the heck are we still paying for Ont. Hydros debts?)
Its like the Kenora water meters, " we will install them and make more money!!" Guess what that didnt work (ergo raise the rates 5%) . However the hydro suppliers have no conscience and will just adjust the hours, or, if they seem to take a loss just whine and snivle to the government and get the rates raised.
TJG  ( January 15, 2010)
What choice do we have? Its like gas. You need it, they know it, so you will pay.
Glen  ( January 15, 2010)
It is like death and taxes no way out. Pay or move, the government does not care one way or the other.
