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Should the council endorse a consultants report that recommends a $20 million upgrade of city recreational facilities?
No   104     61%
Yes   67     39%
 Total Votes: 171

Comments   Add Your Own
T.J.G  ( December 26, 2009)
While we are at it, I think the good taxpayers of Kenora should pony up for a study to see if the sky is up. After all the sky is the limit when it comes to stupid ideas and wasting money.
l2jl  ( December 25, 2009)
Speaking of upgrades, why not finish the Jaffray-Mellick arena with an ice plant for artificial ice and put this facility into use for valuable ice time?
don  ( December 24, 2009)
Leave things the way they are. Each week there are more people leaving Kenora for greener grass In two years you will never know we had a problem.
Peter t  ( December 24, 2009)
What about the rink in JM are we using it?
bob  ( December 24, 2009)
Sounds like your requesting an answer based on cost without considering content. Scary
bc  ( December 24, 2009)
There are more activities than just hockey, but look at how many boys, girls, oldtimers, mens teams there are that are trying to book ice time. With the Allan Cup coming in 2011, I am sure that the senior team would like to practice more as would every other hockey player. Just another ice pad at the Kenora Rec Centre would help out with tournaments.
JAB  ( December 23, 2009)
RR, you are right. It isn't all about hockey in the winter, but having the Rec Center upgraded means that major hockey events can be hosted here. The last time Kenora hosted a major event, the finanical impact for the city was over a million dollars. Hockey is also run by dedicted volunteers. Like all volunteers their time and energy is priceless.
lenny  ( December 23, 2009)
Well after all, like it or not, Kenora is or will be the tourist town of the east, compared to Canmore of the west. I say get your heads out of the sand and go for it. Like everyone seems to be saying, the mills are gone. Let's move on people.
RR  ( December 22, 2009)
This consultant should not be paid for an incomplete report. There is absolutely zero mention of the local ski hill and the nordic trail system. Both major winter recreational facilities in our cities borders, not to mention city owned facilities. Why were they ignored,AGAIN? Much effort is being made by dedicated volunteers to upgrade and maintain these facilities, only to be continually ignored by the city, and our so called economic developement officer, who are constantly talking about the importance of winter tourism. Winter isn't all hockey and ice fishing.
