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Are you concerned that the landmark Kenricia Hotel may never open its doors again?
No   126     56%
Yes   101     44%
 Total Votes: 227

Comments   Add Your Own
Josie  ( December 12, 2009)
Just because the building is deteriorating inside does not mean to say it cannot be saved. The facade, while changed over the years, is still beautiful and the Kenricia is still a landmark in Kenora. Thousands of people have seen that building as they drove through Kenora. Do not give up so easily. What will replace it? Another glass box? While it is not the City's responsibility to put money into any structures which are privately owned, there are grants to the private sector for renovations. This could have been a project which could easily have received money from the Federal Government Stimulus Fund. This would be a costly venture so give the owners an opportunity to do something with it before pushing for demolition.
Pictures  ( December 12, 2009)
Pictures are a good way to remember the past...this building is beyond repair and no one seems interested in investing in a nightmare. Let it go.
Chris  ( December 12, 2009)
Unfortunately I think its time to say goodbye to the Kenricia Hotel. It once was a beautiful building. Let's tear it down before it becomes like Minaki Lodge-destroyed by fire!!!!
ardee  ( December 11, 2009)
The money the town has banked in the "rainy day fund" could more than cover the cost of referbishing this central period building. With the advent of the new condos and water park etc., Kenora could, indeed become a destination - especially if we get a theme park up and running. A beautiful, luxury hotel in the heart of the city with the heritage that this building has would be a first choice for many visitors. The investment by the town on behalf of its citizens would certainly provide a return on investment.
DM  ( December 11, 2009)
We have to save this beautiful building! Have you not seen the photos from the hotel in its original state. Just because the building is in need of repair does not mean it should be demolished! The facade of the building can be saved and the rest can be gutted, but there is no way this building can come down. Hopefully the current owners will turn it over to someone that can do this. Imagine the possibilities..it is a major focal point of downtown.
Glen Morrison  ( December 11, 2009)
Ok, maybe the town could not afford to do it but maybe some one else could fix it up to make downtown condos for all you nah sayers. It is truly a beautiful building.
downtown  ( December 11, 2009)
It's sad say that maybe the time has come for demolition. It will be loss of taxes if bankruptcy occurs and the city could be left holding the bag.
Dave  ( December 11, 2009)
While the Kenricia does have a place in Kenora's history, it is not the cities task to save it from whatever the future brings. If it is to be saved it must be by private capital. Buildings, whether historic or otherwise reach a point in their lives, where lack of maintenance and investment pretty much doom them to the wrecking ball. Being designated a historic site does limit somewhat what renovations can be done. Bringing the Kenricia up to today's fire and building codes will be very expensive, let alone building, plumbing and heating repairs.
A lot of us have a lot of great memories of the place, but maybe it is time to move on and say goodbye. Maybe even look at a fresh face for downtown.
terry  ( December 11, 2009)
Tear it down, we don't need any more taxpayer money put into bad ideas, we have enough of those already.
anon  ( December 11, 2009)
Norman, you are misinformed. Designation did not limit what the owners can do, but it will prevent or delay demolition, thank goodness. How can we look to the future if we don't respect and nurture our past? Save it!
