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Should the city financially support venue development at Coney Island to attract more visitors?
No   146     64%
Yes   81     36%
 Total Votes: 227

Comments   Add Your Own
Heather  ( September 27, 2009)
I would say most families don't get to Coney Island unless you have a boat or time it carefully to take the overpriced shuttle to get there. Make the shuttle free four times a day and add it to the Kenora bus service budget. Add a few other stops as well - the Habourfront, Anishinabe Park and Norman Park, maybe a few more. It could even relieve downtown parking if people take the water bus to downtown. But using city money to supplement an area that most Kenora residents aren't able to get to makes no sense.
 ( September 27, 2009)
I think money should definately be spent on Coney Island!! It is a WONDERFUL place that should be enjoyed by ALL!! They did have a shuttle that was great this summer but a little pricey for those with large families. The town should cover some more of the costs to provide a family rate. They need to have more events at Coney. The music festival this year was AWESOME! It should be held more often there. Get the people there to a beautiful part of Kenora a, part of Kenora that should NOT be ignored. TOURIST town..?? I don't see one. Let's spend money on some of our natural wonders!
Dean  ( September 27, 2009)
I think PETER T. has hit the nail on the head. It would be nice to to use the harbourfront for more than a parking lot and tent display. As for Coney Island, it can wait.
Slick  ( September 26, 2009)
I agree with Peter t. I have never been to the Farmer's Market because it is at the harbourfront but would definitely go if it was at the rec centre or some other venue. It seems to me that the city also spends too many of our tax dollars on things that benefit the haves more than the havenots.
Randy  ( September 26, 2009)
Thats a tough question to answer on your own without first having to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a consultants study. Common sense tells me yes but without the study I cannot make a decision on my own.
Slim  ( September 25, 2009)
Yes yes yes. Do we want this city to survive or what? If they build it they will come. When they come, they will spend, and when they spend we all benefit. If the City maintains ownership of the venues and leases them out, they may just find out that they can make some money. But let's just not stop at Coney, lets go big and look at venues for downtown for which the City could own and again rent out for profit.
Peter t  ( September 25, 2009)
STOP!! STOP!! the press. Coney island ? I think not. I spend much of my time in our local coffee shops and the talk is not about Coney Island but there is talk about the harbourfronts. Prime property use it. Get something done so we can all use it. But not for a parking lot or a place were you display tents all summer. Sitting at Haps, I would rather see the lake – not tents. I am sure if you move the Manitoba Market to the Rec Centre, people still would still shop downtown. Okay, sure. Take the tents with you. Mr.Enterprise, if you want to do a online poll and the powers that be have no ideas, talk to the Kenora people. If you need help just ask. So before you miss up Coney Island, fix Kenora first. Try what we have to say and put a smile on your face.
DM  ( September 25, 2009)
I think there are other priorities for spending on tourism initiatives.
In the Biz  ( September 25, 2009)
If by support you mean things such as washrooms, changerooms, docking, walkways, lifeguards, generic tourism promotion, then yes. Maybe even building concession stands etc. and renting them out to business operators. If you mean financially subsidizing individual operators, then no. Forestry is gone - let's try tourism.
dj  ( September 25, 2009)
Why should taxpayers support this. There is no ready access for visitors or locals who do not have a boat. Suggested access (bridge connection) has been rejected by island residents for years as they do not want all the traffic in their restricted area.
