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Are you concerned about the city dumping household garbage in the Silver Lake landfill site
No   140     57%
Yes   107     43%
 Total Votes: 247

Comments   Add Your Own
therealmrelectric  ( September 21, 2009)
Build biomass and burn it. We are so behind in technology. People say lets just dump it becauses its cheaper.
kj  ( September 21, 2009)
Charge 20 dollars per bag of garbage and 100 dollars per half-ton load. That will solve the problem as people will be forced to think twice about what they buy, consume and, ultimately, throw away. Less garbage. Charge even more for anyone who voted for this mayor and council. Also, ban styrofoam products completely from landfill, and businesses will have to supply alternatives that will actually break down in landfills.
MARK Rough Rock  ( September 20, 2009)
Consider all the JUNK that came out of that paper mill over the last 50 years. What I am saying is that the folks on the Winnipeg RIVER the last 50 odd years have drank, cooked with the river water and even brushed their teeth with the water and for wharever reason they're still around today. Some still eat the fish, SO DUMP AS YOU PLEASE. Nature will take care of itself.
taxpayer  ( September 20, 2009)
Two fully operational garbage dumps within 10 miles of each other.
Not in my backyard  ( September 20, 2009)
The majority of voters (respondents to your poll) won't care about destroying the Silver Lake/Black Sturgeon area because they don't live there. "Black Sturgeon Resident" nailed it.
Slim  ( September 19, 2009)
If all the tree huggers on here want to take aim at something, then perhaps they should look at what the golf course with all their herbicides and pesticides is dumping directly into Lake of the Woods a mile or so from our tap water intake. Now thats food for thought.
Black Sturgeon Resident  ( September 19, 2009)
So it appears to be okay to risk Silver Lake and Black Sturgeon with pollution because of the lack of voters in the area. Try the same thing next to Lake of the Woods (aka The Holy Water) and there would be politicians and bureaucrats running for their lives.
Richard  ( September 18, 2009)
Sounds good, in a few years the lake trout from Silver may taste like chicken.
Peter t  ( September 18, 2009)
The town, when it still was a town,( before it became City of Kenora) spent thousands of our tax dollars to see if this area would be safe, and said yes it is. What is hard to understand is, it was good back then and we still dumped in Manitoba. Over the last how many years, what did it cost the taxpayer? That money could have stayed here in house. Just think, the money saved might have let us keep our police force. I think the paper said they may have to hire extra staff to run the Jones Road dump. I think you have plenty of staff at the BIG BOX on Barskys hill you can use. Yes use the dump on the Jones Road and keep our money in Kenora.
RH  ( September 18, 2009)
It was inevitable. It wasn't built for nothing. Let's just hope it was built properly.
