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Would you ever consider running for Kenora city council?
No   87     60%
Yes   58     40%
 Total Votes: 145

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  ( September 1, 2009)
Whoever runs the next time will be left with a wicked hangover to cure. This council was like none other in the history of Kenora but it is evident in these comments, those who 'got their way' still support them. and a regular 3 who put their council (and their egos) on a pedestal every week in this poll. However, I commend ALL citizens who care enough about their community to publicly state their positions... at no REAL cost to the taxpayer. Differing ideas can collectively form healthy change. Those who are unwilling to give merit to others are just the kind of people who create division. A vibrant community is diverse and will not succeed as long as there are those who would rather kiss the butt of position than the face of passion.
Mike  ( September 1, 2009)
Just because one is not willing to run for office does NOT take away their right to complain. Not VOTING should remove right. Not everyone can run for council.
Chris  ( August 31, 2009)
Considered it, but it would conflict with my job. There would definitely be a lot to work with, it would not be boring!
Zut Alors  ( August 31, 2009)
I'm not at all surprised at the number of "no's" on this poll. Frankly, just what I suspected would happen. It's true, there are so many naysayers and negative people out there, who love to whine and complain, yet lack the courage of their convictions and will never step up to the plate and TAKE the criticism that, inevitably, comes from public office. After all, you can't please all the people, all the time. It's interesting that this week's question follows on the heels of last week's question, which was the opinion of the overall workability of the roundabout - of course, the detractors were in the majority, prior to and during its implementation. I think a lot of people had to eat crow. It may not be perfect BUT IT WORKS. Now, quit your griping and put your energies into something more positive! Better yet, those that are constantly miserable about how our City is run - get off your keisters and run for public office!
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( August 31, 2009)
If you're not willing to run then you have not right to critique those who do.By not running you are saying "I couldn't do a better job that you're doing".
I think that Mr. Poirier and Mr. McMillan have done a great job. I will move back to Kenora one day and I will run for council.
Mark  ( August 29, 2009)
Considering how many people have an opinion on how they think the City should be run, I am surprised that the yes's are not more. For those considering to run, don't be discouraged by the 60 or so constant gripers that you read in the paper. The vast majority of us do appreciate this council, but we don't get headlines for being content.
Geoff  ( August 28, 2009)
You would have to be out of your mind to run for local politics. The residents here are mostly ignorant small minded idiots that live in a bubble. Listen to the comments, hardly ever can you hear a positive post. Negative bimbos can't think any bigger than the pothole on their front road. Many still stuck thinking they live in Keewatin, or Norman etc...we're a bloody city, get with it. We need more development and more working people in this area. Stand up for our region.
Mike  ( August 28, 2009)
Why anyone would want to run for this thankless job is a mystery. I have watched many dedicated people become completely demoralized by the antics of a few ignorant, selfish and meanspirited people. These who love to complain but do nothing to improve anything in Kenora. I think I will stick to trying to support those who can handle the abuse.
The True Concerned Kenorite  ( August 28, 2009)
I would most definitely run to be part of our municipal government. Without willing to step up to the plate one has no right to complain or critique what others are doing.
Of course if I were to become Mayor, I would have to make a drastic change to Main St. to continue to tradition.
