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Would you be offended if Kenora had a festival called the "Redneck Regional".
No   102     49%
Yes   105     51%
 Total Votes: 207

Comments   Add Your Own
James  ( August 17, 2009)
All those who support this redneck thing, I gotta ask ya...how do you find time to respond to such polls? Aren't you busy bobbing for fish heads, brushing your tooth, burping and farting and most of all, missing Springer?
Patty Pearson  ( August 17, 2009)
Hey come on! A "RedNeck Festival" would be a blast! Needless to say, I'm a tad dissappointed that Stompin' Tom Connors isn't coming. No one would think of us more as Renecks than we already are.
Bill  ( August 16, 2009)
A REDNECK is a poor WHITE PERSON in the southern United States or a Hillbilly.. First it was fireworks on the US July 4th holiday, now trying to portray southern US Hillbillies.. What next? Can't we have something Canadian and original?
rob  ( August 16, 2009)
Imagine a tourist town doing something to draw people What an idea. All those hung up on a name, don't get your panties in a knot you can always stay away.
Chris  ( August 16, 2009)
To me that sounds like alot of fun....It's only a name. People get too technical on terms. As far as the millions of dollars that has been put into the town has it helped? No (that's another topic). What would it hurt?
Lenny  ( August 16, 2009)
Dear sweet people of Kenora Pleeeeeease!!! don't forsake your fine city for a fest of any kind called Redneck
Im tellin you it will make all comers think we have wife draggin races for beer prizes & pool porridge bellyfloppin contests for possum grits
Hmmmm!! Hope I didn't give the committee any ideas!
Seriously, I've seen redneck mentallity in my southern travels and at first funny, it became scary.
I'm tellin you Kenora would lose in the long run.
Keith  ( August 16, 2009)
Those who are offended by the event probably drink afternoon tea and dab the corners of their mouth with a dainty little napkin designed specifically for such occasions. C'mon, there's a little red-neck in all of us. If you're too ashamed to admit it; get therapy. Bring it on. Bring in Jeff Foxworthy or Larry the Cable Guy. Let's laugh and make fun . . . and stimulate tourism. Take life seriously . . . but never yourself. Great idea Nancy.
Linda  ( August 15, 2009)
How about the Rat Portage Festival, keeping inthe theme of Kenora.
  ( August 15, 2009)
Really!! It is only a name. Could be loads of fun. Call it Countryfest then, but I don't think the "world" is going to see Kenora as a redneck town 365 days of the year because we have a redneck weekend. Think of all that could occur and the tourism $$ generated. Olympics, corn roast, children's activities and the list goes on. Host it around the end of Sept when both tourists and locals need something to do! But I guess good ol' council would rather have unaffordable centres with tea and scones at tea time!
Richard  ( August 15, 2009)
If this Redneck Regional was the brain child of the Tourism Development Officer, then I have to question what she is doing in such an important role. This is a joke...fire her if this is the best she can do.
