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Are you in favour of the federal Liberals proposed Green Shift/Carbon Tax plan?
No   109     74%
Yes   39     26%
 Total Votes: 148

Comments   Add Your Own
T.J.G  ( July 1, 2008)
I am not in favour of anything the government says is good for me. I am being looked after to the poor house. We need a huge change in the way things are done.
Rick T  ( June 30, 2008)
Always amazing how many people express anti-government views but offer no other solutions. I support the concept - the less green you (or corporations) are, the more you get taxed. Conversely, it offers incentives (or penalties, depending upon you politics) for industry to move towards more efficient energy systems, and we all benefit from that. If you are blaming your government for high fuel prices and are also against going green, then you are spinning in circles and not helping the overall solution.
RH  ( June 30, 2008)
It's just another tax grab by our rediculous government that believes all problems in life are solved by taxation. It is time for the government to ignore industry lobbyists and force manufacturers to produce more highly efficient products. The technology is there but no incentive to use it.
Don  ( June 29, 2008)
We already pay more for all the things that they are going to tax- gas, electricity, heating oil/gas, produce, and any other material that has to be shipped into the area. These are the things that we end up paying more on in the future and the only shift is more of our tax input being shifted to southern Ontario and Quebec. A great way to try for more votes in that area.
Grant  ( June 28, 2008)
Just what we need, another tax. This proposal does not even account for the carbon tax built into the Kyoto accord, which by the way the Liberals support.
China and India have the fastest growing economies and are also the worst polluters. They have little if any environmental controls. Their factories spew pollutants out at alarming levels, yet they are allowed to remain outside of any environmental pacts or accountability.
Forestry is dead, fuel costs are killing the transport industry, costs to consumers for food,heating and transportation are rising. Still this fool wants to invade our lives and tax us some more.
Get real!
N/A  ( June 28, 2008)
If it encourages individuals to be more energy efficient then why not. The less energy you use the better for the environment and I don't see why you wouldn't want to protect it.
Dave  ( June 27, 2008)
It reaks of Trudeau era policies. it is an all encompassing proposal that under the guise of "Saving the Planet", looks to influence, income, taxation, cost of living and above all energy prices.
Richard  ( June 27, 2008)
I'm in favor of the concept itself. Each party will eventually counter-offer with their own plan which is "better", but overall this will drive us in the right direction. I could care less in the end if it has a liberal or conservative stamp on it, as long as we keep moving in that direction.
